The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Romans 3

3:1Then what is the extra thing of the Jew, or what is the benefit of the circumcision?

3:2Much in every manner. For indeed first that they were trusted with the oracles of God.

3:3For what if some disbelieved? Does their unbelief cease to work the belief of God?

3:4May it not be. But let God be true, and every man a liar, as it has been written, That you should be justified in your words, and should overcome in your being judged.

3:5But if our unrighteousness commends God's righteousness, what shall we say? is God unjust, the one bearing upon the anger? (according to man I speak.)

3:6May it not be; since how shall God judge the world?

3:7For if the truth of God abounded in my untruth to his glory, why yet also I as a sinner am judged?

3:8and not, as we are blasphemed, and as some say we say, that, We should do the bad things that the good things should come. Their judgment is just.

3:9What then, Do we have an advantage? Assuredly not. For we showed before, both Jews and Greeks, all to be under sin;

3:10as it has been written, There is not a just man, not even one;

3:11there is not one perceiving; there is not one seeking after God.

3:12All have turned aside, together they became useless; there is not one having graciousness; there is not even one.

3:13Their throat having been opened is a tomb; with their tongues they use deceit; the poison of asps is under their lips;

3:14whose mouth is full of curse and bitterness;

3:15keen are their feet to pour out blood;

3:16destruction and misery are in their ways;

3:17and the way of peace they knew not.

3:18There is no fear of God before their eyes.

3:19And we know that as much as the law says, it speaks to the ones in the law; that every mouth should be shut, and all the world should be subject to trial to God.

3:20Because by works of the law all flesh shall not be justified before him; for through the law is full knowledge of sin.

3:21But now the righteousness of God has been made apparent separate of the law, being witnessed by the law and the prophets;

3:22even righteousness of God through belief of Jesus Christ, unto all and for all the ones trusting; for there is not a difference;

3:23for all sinned and lack the glory of God;

3:24being justified without charge by his favor, through the release by ransom, of the one by Christ Jesus;

3:25whom God set forth as an atonement through the belief, in the one of his blood, for a demonstration of his righteousness through the letting pass of the preceding sins,

3:26in the forbearance of God, for a demonstration of his righteousness in the present time; for his being just and justifying the one of belief of Jesus.

3:27Where then is the boasting? It was excluded. Through what kind of law? Of the law of works? No, but through a law of belief.

3:28We consider then a man to be justified by belief, separate from works of law.

3:29Or is God only of Jews? But is he not also of nations? Yes, also of nations.

3:30Since indeed there is one God who shall justify the circumcision of belief and uncircumcision through the belief.

3:31Law then do we render useless through the belief? May it not be, But we establish law.