The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Leviticus 19

19:1And the lord spoke to Moses, saying,

19:2Speak to all the congregation of the sons of Israel! And you shall say to them, You shall be holy, for I the lord your God am holy.

19:3Let each one fear his father and his mother! And my Sabbaths you shall keep. I am the lord your God.

19:4You shall not follow after idols, and you shall not make to yourselves molten gods. I am the lord your God.

19:5And if you should sacrifice a sacrifice of deliverance to the lord, you shall sacrifice acceptable for yourselves.

19:6In which ever day you should sacrifice, it shall be eaten, and in the next morning. And if any should be left behind until the third day it shall be incinerated by fire.

19:7And if food should be eaten the third day it is unfit, you shall not accept it.

19:8And the one eating it shall take the sin, for the holy things of the lord he profaned. And the souls eating it shall be utterly destroyed from their people.

19:9And of your reaping the harvest of your land, you shall not complete your harvest of your field to completely reap it. And the parts falling away of your harvest you shall not collect together.

19:10And your vineyard; you shall not glean the vintage, nor the grape-stones of your vineyard shall you collect together; to the poor and to the foreigner you shall leave behind for them. I am the lord your God.

19:11You shall not steal, and you shall not lie, nor shall you extort each his neighbor.

19:12And you shall not swear by an oath upon my name unjustly. And you shall not profane the holy name of your God. I am the lord your God.

19:13You shall not wrong your neighbor. And you shall not seize by force. And the wages of your hireling shall not go to bed with you until morning.

19:14You shall not wickedly speak to a mute, and before the blind you shall not put an obstacle. And you shall fear the lord your God. I am the lord your God.

19:15You shall not act unjustly in a judgment. You shall not take favor on the face of the poor, nor marvel before the face of a mighty one. With righteousness you shall judge your neighbor.

19:16You shall not go by treachery among your nation. You shall not rise up together for blood of your neighbor. I am the lord your God.

19:17You shall not detest your brother in your mind. With rebuke you shall reprove your neighbor, and you shall not take sin on account of him.

19:18And your hand shall not avenge. And you shall not be infuriated at the sons of your people. And you shall love your neighbor as yourself. I am the lord your God.

19:19My law you shall keep. Your cattle you shall not mate unequally yoked. And in your vineyard you shall not scatter abroad diverse seed. And a garment of two materials being woven commingled you shall not put upon yourself.

19:20And if any man should go to bed with a woman in the marriage-bed of semen, and she is a domestic servant being guarded for a man, and to her ransoms have not been ransomed, or freedom was not given to her; an overseeing will be to them; they shall not die, for she was not set free.

19:21And he shall bring his trespass offering to the lord by the door of the tent of the testimony -- a ram for a trespass offering.

19:22And the priest shall atone for him with the ram of the trespass offering before the lord for his sin of which he sinned; and the sin shall be forgiven him which he sinned.

19:23And whenever you should enter into the land which the lord your God gives to you, and you should plant any eatable tree, then you shall purge away its uncleanness. Its fruit for three years will be impure to you, it shall not be eaten.

19:24And the fourth year all of its fruit will be holy, praiseworthy to the lord.

19:25And in the fifth year you shall eat of its fruit; its produce is an addition to you. I am the lord your God.

19:26Eat not upon the mountains! And you shall not foretell, nor use augury.

19:27You shall not make a lock of hair consecrated to an idol from out of the hair of your head, nor shall you corrupt the appearance of your beards.

19:28And you shall not make cuts for a dead soul on your body; and letter marks you shall not make upon you. I am the lord your God.

19:29You shall not profane your daughter to fornicate her. And you shall not fornicate the land, and the land be filled of lawlessness.

19:30My Sabbaths you shall keep, and of my holy things you shall fear. I am the lord.

19:31You shall not follow after ones who deliver oracles, and to the enchanters you shall not cleave to be thoroughly defiled by them. I am the lord your God.

19:32At the face of a gray one you shall rise up, and you shall esteem the face of an older one; and you shall fear your God. I am the lord your God.

19:33And if any foreigner in your land should come forward to you, you shall not afflict him.

19:34The foreigner approaching to you shall be as the native born among you. And you shall love him as yourself, for you became foreigners in the land of Egypt. I am the lord your God.

19:35You shall not act unjustly in an equity with measures, and with weights, and with yoke balance scales.

19:36Just yoke balance scales, and just dry measure weights, and a just coos liquid measure shall be to you. I am the lord your God, the one leading you from out of the land of Egypt.

19:37And you shall keep all my laws, and all my orders, and you shall do them. I am the lord.