The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Jeremiah 48

48:1To Moab, thus said the lord of the forces, the God of Israel; Woe unto Nebo, for it was destroyed; Kiriathaim was taken; the fortification was shamed; it was vanquished.

48:2Moab is not still prancing. In Heshbon he devised for her bad things. Come and we should cut her from being a nation, and by cessation she shall cease; a sword shall proceed behind you.

48:3For there is a voice of men crying out of Horonaim, ruin and great destruction.

48:4Moab is destroyed. Announce in Zogora!

48:5for Luhith is filled with weeping. It shall ascend weeping in the way of Horonaim. You heard a cry of destruction.

48:6Flee and escape with your lives! and you shall be as a wild donkey in the wilderness.

48:7Since you had relied on your fortresses and in your treasures, then you shall be seized. And Chemosh shall go forth in resettlement -- his priests and his rulers together.

48:8And ruin shall come upon every city; and a city in no way shall be delivered. And the canyon shall be destroyed, and the plain shall be utterly destroyed, as the lord said.

48:9Put signs upon Moab, for by an infection she shall be kindled; and all her cities shall be for an untrodden land, because of the not being one dwelling in her.

48:10Cursed is the one doing the work of the lord indifferently, and cursed is the one lifting away his sword from blood.

48:11Moab rested from boyhood, and is relying upon his glory. He has not poured dregs from receptacle unto receptacle, and into settlement he has not set out. On account of this his taste stood with him, his scent dissipated not.

48:12On account of this, behold, days come, says the lord, and I will send to him ones leaning him down, and they shall lean him down, and they shall thin out his vessels, and his horns shall break.

48:13And Moab shall be disgraced from Chemosh, as the house of Israel was disgraced from Beth-el their hope, having relied upon themselves.

48:14How will you say, We are strong, and each man strong for war.

48:15Moab is destroyed. His city and his choice young men went down to slaughter, says the king -- the lord of the forces is his name.

48:16Near is the day of Moab to come, and his harm very quickly.

48:17Move him, all ones round about him! All seeing his name, say! O how is the renowned staff broken, the rod of magnificence.

48:18Come down from glory, and sit being sat down in wetness, O daughter of Dibon! for Moab is destroyed; one ascended unto you laying waste your fortress.

48:19Upon the way stand and look! O one sitting down in Aroer. And ask the one fleeing and escaping! And say, What happened?

48:20Moab was disgraced, for he is broken. Shriek and cry out! Announce in Arnon! that Moab is destroyed

48:21and judgment is come unto the land of Misor, upon Holon, and upon Jahazah, and upon Mephaath,

48:22and upon Dibon, and upon Nebo, and upon the house of Diblathaim,

48:23and upon Kiriathaim, and upon the house of Gamul, and upon the house of Meon,

48:24and upon Kerioth, and upon Bozrah, and upon all the cities of Moab -- the ones at a distance, and the ones near.

48:25The horn of Moab was broken, and his forearm was destroyed, says the lord.

48:26Intoxicate him! for he was magnified against the lord. And Moab shall strike with his hand, and will be for laughter, even himself,

48:27and to us for a joke it was to you, O Israel, and among your stealth he was found, for you waged war along with him.

48:28The ones dwelling in Moab left the cities and lived in rocks; they became as doves nesting in rocks, at the mouth of a pit.

48:29I heard the insolence of Moab (he insulted exceedingly) and his insult and his pride; and his heart was raised up high.

48:30But I know, says the lord, of his works; is it not enough for him? Is it not thus he did?

48:31On account of this shriek for Moab on all sides! Yell over men of Keir Heres of squalid conditions!

48:32As weeping of Jazer, I shall weep over you. O grapevine of Sibmah, your vine branches went through the sea; they touched city of Jazer. Upon your autumn fruits and upon your grape gatherers ruin fell.

48:33Cause for joy was seized, and gladness from Carmel, even from the land of the Moabites; and wine in your wine vats they treaded not by morning, nor at evening. They did not make a joyful acclamation.

48:34From a cry of Heshbon unto Elealeh, even unto Jahaz, they gave out their voice; from Zoar unto Horonaim, even as a heifer of three years. For also the water of Nimrim will be for burning.

48:35And I will destroy Moab, says the lord, the one ascending unto the shrine and burning incense to his gods.

48:36On account of this the heart of Moab shall resonate as pipes; and my heart shall resonate as a pipe against men of Keir Heres. On account of this, what he procured perished from man.

48:37Every head in every place shall be shaved, and every beard shall be shaved, and all hands shall beat their chest, and upon every loin there shall be sackcloth,

48:38even upon all the roofs of Moab, and upon its squares. For I broke Moab, says the lord, as a receptacle of which there is no need of it.

48:39O how he reconciled. O how Moab turned his back. Moab was shamed and became for laughter, and an object of anger to all the ones round about her.

48:40For thus said the lord, As an eagle, he shall spread and stetch out his wings for Moab.

48:41Kerioth was taken, and the fortresses were seized. And the heart of the might of Moab shall be in that day as the heart of a woman in travail.

48:42And Moab shall be destroyed from being a multitude, for it magnified itself against the lord.

48:43A snare, and fear, and a pit, are upon you, O one settled of Moab, says the lord.

48:44The one fleeing from the face of fear shall fall into the cesspool; and the one ascending from out of the cesspool even shall be seized in the snare. For I shall bring these things upon Moab in the year of her visitation, says the lord.

48:45In the shadow of Heshbon they stopped -- of the force fleeing. For fire came forth from Heshbon, and a flame from the midst of Sihon, and it devoured the side of Moab, and the top of the sons of Saon.

48:46Woe to you Moab. the people of Chemosh were destroyed. For they took your sons and your daughters for captivity.

48:47And I shall return the captivity of Moab in the last days, says the lord. Unto this is the judgment of Moab.