The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Psalms 79

A psalm to Asaph.

79:1O God, nations come into your inheritance; they defiled your holy temple; they made Jerusalem as a storehouse of fruits.

79:2They made the decaying flesh of your servants foods for the winged creatures of the heaven; the flesh of your sacred ones for the wild beasts of the earth.

79:3They poured out their blood as water round about Jerusalem; and there was no one burying them.

79:4We became scorn to our neighbors; for a sneering and taunting by the ones round about us.

79:5For how long, O lord? Will you be provoked to anger to the end? Will your zeal burn as fire?

79:6Pour out your anger upon nations, the ones not perceiving you! and upon kingdoms in which they called not upon your name.

79:7For they devoured Jacob, and made his place desolate.

79:8You should not remember our lawless deeds of old. Quickly let your compassions be first to take us! for we are exceedingly poor.

79:9Help us, O God our deliverer, because of the glory of your name! O lord, rescue us, and atone our sins, because of your name!

79:10Lest at any time the nations should say, Where is their God? then let it be known among the nations, before our eyes, the vengeance for the blood of your servants being poured out!

79:11Let the moaning of the ones being shackled enter before you! According to the greatness of your arm protect the sons of the ones being put to death!

79:12Repay to our neighbors seven-fold into their bosom! for their scorning which they berated you, O lord.

79:13But we are your people, and the sheep of your pasture. We shall confess to you, O God, into the eon; for generation and generation we shall declare your praise.