The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Isaiah 61

61:1Spirit of the lord is upon me, because he anointed me to announce good news to the poor. He has sent me to heal the ones being broken in the heart; to proclaim a release to captives, and recovery of sight to the blind;

61:2to call the acceptable year of the lord, and day of recompense; to comfort all the ones mourning;

61:3to give to the ones mourning for Zion glory instead of ashes; an anointing of gladness to them that mourn; according to an apparel of glory instead of a spirit of indifference. And they shall be called generations of righteousness, a thing planted of the lord for glory.

61:4And they shall build up everlasting wildernesses being made quite desolate prior. They shall rise up and shall revive cities of wildernesses having been made quite desolate for generations.

61:5And foreigners shall come tending your sheep, and Philistines as plowmen and vine dressers.

61:6And you shall be called priests of the lord. Ministers of our God -- it shall be said to you. You shall devour strength of nations, and in their riches you shall be admired.

61:7Thus of a second time they shall inherit the land, and everlasting gladness is above their head.

61:8For I am the lord, the one loving righteousness, and detesting seizures by injustice. And I will give their effort to the just ones, and I shall ordain an eternal covenant with them.

61:9And their seed shall be known among the nations, and their progeny in the midst of the peoples. All seeing them will recognize them, for these are a seed being blessed by God.

61:10And in gladness they shall be glad over the lord. Let my soul exult over the lord! For he clothed me with a cloak of deliverance, and an inner garment of gladness. As a groom, he put on me a mitre; and as a bride, he adorned me with an ornament.

61:11And as the earth growing its flower, and as a garden sprouts forth its seeds, so the Lord the lord will raise up righteousness and a leap for joy before all the nations.