The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Isaiah 60

60:1Be enlightened! Be enlightened, O Jerusalem! for your light is come, and the glory of the lord has risen upon you.

60:2Behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and a dimness upon nations; but the lord shall appear upon you, and his glory shall be seen upon you.

60:3And nations shall go by your light, and kings in your brightness.

60:4Lift your eyes round about, and behold all your children gathering together! All your sons come from far off, and your daughters shall be carried upon shoulders.

60:5Then you shall see, and shall be fearful, and shall be startled in the heart; for the riches of the sea shall turn unto you, and of nations, and of peoples; and they shall come to you.

60:6Herds of camels, and camels of Midian and Ephah shall cover you; they all come from out of Sheba bringing gold and frankincense; and they shall announce as good news the deliverance of the lord.

60:7And all the sheep of Kedar shall be gathered together to you, and rams of Nebaioth shall come to you; and acceptable sacrifices shall be offered upon my altar, and the house of my prayer shall be glorified.

60:8Who thus as clouds fly, even as doves with young?

60:9Islands waited for me, and boats of Tarshish are among the first to lead your children from far off, and their silver and gold is with them, on account of the holy name of the lord, and on account of the holy one of Israel to be glorious.

60:10And foreigners shall build your walls, and their kings shall stand beside you. For on account of my anger I struck you, and on account of mercy I loved you.

60:11And your gates shall be open continually; day and night they shall not be locked; to bring in to you the force of nations, and their kings leading.

60:12For the nations and the kings which will not serve to you shall perish; and the nations shall be made desolate unto desolation.

60:13And the glory of Lebanon shall come to you with cypress and pine and cedar together, to glorify my holy place. And the place of their feet I will glorify.

60:14And they shall go to you being in awe -- sons of the ones humbling you. And all the ones who provoked you shall do obeisance at the soles of your feet. And you shall be called, City of the lord, Zion of Holy Israel.

60:15Because you became abandoned and detested, and there was no one helping, even I will make you an everlasting leap for joy, a gladness to generations of generations.

60:16And you shall nurse milk of nations, and you shall eat wealth of kings. And you shall know that I am the lord, the one delivering you, and rescuing you -- the God of Jacob.

60:17And instead of brass, I shall bring to you gold; and instead of iron, I shall bring to you silver; and instead of wood, I shall bring to you brass; and instead of stones -- iron; and I shall appoint your rulers for peace, and your overseers for righteousness.

60:18And injustice shall not any longer be heard in your land, nor destruction, nor misery within your borders. And your walls shall be called Deliverance, and your gates, Carving.

60:19And the sun will not be to you any longer for the light of day, nor the rising moon shall give light to you at night. But the lord will be to you an eternal light, even the God of your glory.

60:20For the sun shall not go down to you, and the moon shall not subside to you. For the lord will be to you an eternal light. And the days of your mourning shall be fulfilled.

60:21And your people are all righteous, and they shall inherit the earth through the eon, keeping the thing planted, even the works of their hands for glory.

60:22The very few will be for thousands, and the least for a great nation. I the lord in due time shall gather them.