The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Isaiah 34

34:1Lead forward, O nations, and hearken, O rulers! Hear, O earth and the ones living in it; O world, and the people in it!

34:2Because the rage of the lord is upon all the nations, and his anger is upon their number, to destroy them and to deliver them up unto slaughter.

34:3And the slain ones of theirs shall be tossed forth, and the dead ones. And the scent of them shall ascend, and the mountains shall be rained upon by their blood.

34:4And all the powers of the heavens shall melt away. And the heaven shall coil up as a scroll, and all the stars shall fall as leaves fall from a grapevine, and as leaves fall from a fig-tree.

34:5For my sword was intoxicated in the heaven. Behold, it shall go down upon Edom, and upon the people of the destruction with judgment.

34:6The sword of the lord was filled of blood thickened from the fat of lambs, and from the fat of he-goats and rams; for a sacrifice to God is in Bosor, and a great slaughter in Edom.

34:7And the stout men shall be cast down with them, and the rams and the bulls. And the earth will be intoxicated from the blood, even their embankment; and they shall be filled up of their fat.

34:8For it is a day of judgment of the lord, and the year of recompense of judgment of Zion.

34:9And her ravines shall be turned into pitch; and her land into sulphur; and her land will be in burning pitch

34:10night and day; and it shall not be extinguished into the eon of time. And her smoke shall ascend upward; unto her generations she shall be made desolate, and for a long time she shall be made desolate.

34:11Birds, and hedgehogs, and ibises, and crows shall dwell in her; and a surveying cord of desolation shall be put upon her; and satyrs shall live in her.

34:12Her rulers will not be; for her kings and her great men will be for destruction.

34:13And thorny woods shall grow up in their cities, and also in her fortresses; and they will be properties of sirens, and a courtyard of ostriches.

34:14And demons shall meet with satyrs; and they shall yell another to the other; satyrs shall rest there, for they found for themselves a place of rest.

34:15The hedgehog shall nest there, and the earth preserved her children with safety; there stags meet together, and beheld the faces of one another.

34:16They go by in number, and not one of them perished; the other did not seek the other; for the lord gave charge to them, and his spirit gathered them.

34:17And he shall cast lots for them, and his hand divided out parts to them to graze. Into the eon of time you shall inherit; for generations of generations shall rest upon it.