The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Deuteronomy 16

16:1Guard the month of the new corn! And you shall observe the passover to the lord your God, for in the month of the new corn the lord your God led you out of Egypt by night.

16:2And you shall sacrifice the passover to the lord your God -- sheep and oxen in the place in which ever the lord your God should choose his name to be called upon there.

16:3You shall not eat it with yeast; seven days you shall eat it with unleavened breads, bread of affliction; for in haste you came forth from out of Egypt at night; that you should remember the day of your departure from out of the land of Egypt all the days of your life.

16:4There shall not be seen by you any yeast in all your boundaries for seven days, and you shall not go to bed with any of the meats, which ever you should have sacrificed in the evening, left over the first day in the morning.

16:5You shall not be able to sacrifice the passover in any one of your cities which the lord your God gives to you;

16:6but only in the place which ever the lord your God should choose his name to be called upon there. You shall sacrifice the passover at evening towards the descent of the sun, in the time which you came forth from out of the land of Egypt.

16:7And you shall boil, and bake, and eat in the place in which ever the lord your God should choose it. And you shall return in the morning and go to your houses.

16:8Six days you shall eat unleavened breads, and the seventh day is a recess holiday to the lord your God; you shall not do on it any work except as much as shall be done for your life.

16:9Seven entire periods of seven you shall count out to yourself; with the beginning of your sickle upon the harvest you shall begin to count out seven periods of seven.

16:10And you shall observe the holiday of the period of sevens to the lord your God, as your hand is strong, in as much as the lord your God should give to you in so far as he blessed you.

16:11And you shall be glad before the lord your God, you and your son and your daughter, your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite in your cities, and the foreigner, and the orphan, and the widow among you, in the place in which ever the lord your God should choose his name to be called upon there.

16:12And you shall remember that you were a servant in the land of Egypt. And you shall guard and observe these commandments.

16:13The holiday of tents you shall observe to yourself seven days, in your bringing from your threshing-floor, and from your wine vat.

16:14And you shall be glad in your holiday, you and your son, and your daughter, your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the foreigner, and the orphan, and the widow being in your cities.

16:15Seven days you shall solemnize a holiday to the lord your God in the place in which ever the lord your God should choose for himself. But if the lord your God should bless you in all your offspring, and in every work of your hands, then you shall be glad.

16:16Three times of the year every male of yours shall appear before the lord your God in the place in which ever the lord should have chosen in the holiday of the unleavened breads, and in the holiday of the period of sevens, and in the holiday of the pitching of tents. You shall not appear in the presence of the lord your God empty.

16:17Each offering according to the power of your hands; according to the blessing of the lord your God which he gave to you.

16:18Judges and judicial recorders you shall ordain to yourself in all your cities, which the lord your God gives to you according to tribes. And they shall judge the people with just judgment.

16:19They shall not turn aside a judgment, they shall not discriminate a person, nor shall they take bribes; for the bribes make blind the eyes of the wise, and lift away the words of the just.

16:20Justly you shall pursue justice, that you should live, and entering you should inherit the land which the lord your God gives to you.

16:21You shall not plant for yourself a sacred grove; any tree by the altar of the lord your God you shall not produce for yourself.

16:22You shall not set up for yourself a monument which the lord your God detests.