The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Proverbs 25

25:1These are the impartial parables of Solomon, which the friends of Hezekiah the king of Judea wrote out.

25:2The glory of God hides a matter; but the glory of a king esteems things.

25:3Heaven is high, and the earth is deep; but the heart of a king is unascertained.

25:4Beat unproven silver! and it shall be cleansed clean all together.

25:5Slay the impious from the presence of the king! and you shall set up his throne in righteousness.

25:6Do not act ostentatiously in the presence of the king, nor stand in places of mighty ones!

25:7For better the saying to you, Ascend to me! than to humble you in the presence of a mighty one. What you beheld with your eyes, speak!

25:8Do not fall into a fight quickly! lest you should change your mind at the last. When ever a friend should berate you,

25:9withdraw to the rear, do not disdain him!

25:10lest indeed the friend should berate you; and your fight and hatred do not go away, but will be to you equal of death! Favor and friendship frees, which you give heed to yourself! that you should not be reviled. But keep your ways conciliatory!

25:11As a golden apple in a pendant of sardius, so is it to speak a wise word.

25:12In an ear-ring of gold a very costly sardius is bound; so a wise word to a heedful ear.

25:13As a delivery of snow in the harvest for sweltering heat, so a trustworthy messenger benefits the ones sending him; for the souls of the ones dealing with him derive benefit.

25:14As winds, and clouds, and rains are apparent, so the men boasting over false portions.

25:15Success comes to kings by long-suffering; and a soft tongue breaks the bones.

25:16In finding honey, eat what is enough! lest at any time being overfilled, you should vomit forth.

25:17Sparingly bring your foot to your own friend! lest at any time he be filled of you, and should detest you.

25:18As a club, and a sword, and a pointed bow, so also the man bearing false witness against his friend.

25:19An evil way and the foot of a lawbreaker shall be destroyed in an evil day.

25:20As vinegar draws hurtful; so passion falling on a body distresses the heart. As a moth in a garment, and a worm in wood, so distress of a man hurts the heart.

25:21If your enemy hungers nourish him, if he thirsts give him to drink!

25:22For doing this you shall heap coals of fire upon his head; and the lord will recompense to you good things.

25:23The north wind arouses clouds, and the face of an impudent tongue aggravates.

25:24Better to live upon the corner of a roof, than with a reviling wife in a common house.

25:25As cold water is kind to a thirsting soul, so a good message from a land far off.

25:26As if any one may shut up a spring, and lay waste an exiting of water; so it is unbecoming for a just man to fall before the impious.

25:27To eat much honey is not good; but it behooves to esteem honorable words.

25:28As a city with walls having been thrown down and unwalled, so a man who acts with no counsel in anything.