The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Proverbs 26

26:1As dew in harvest, and as rain in summer, so honor is not seemly for a fool.

26:2As birds and sparrows spread out to fly, so a vain oath shall not come unto one thing.

26:3As a whip to a horse, and a spur to a donkey, so a rod to a lawbreaking nation.

26:4Do not give an answer to a fool according to that one's folly, lest you should become likened to him!

26:5But answer a fool to the folly of that one! lest he should appear wise of himself.

26:6The one sending a word through a foolish messenger shall cause scorn by his own ways.

26:7Remove the goings of legs, and proverbs from out of the mouth of fools.

26:8The one who binds up a stone in a sling, is likened to the one giving a fool glory.

26:9Thorn-bushes germinate in the hand of the intoxicated; and servitude in the hand of fools.

26:10All the flesh of fools is tossed much by a storm; for their ecstasy is destroyed.

26:11As a dog whenever it comes upon its own vomit, and becomes detested; so a fool returning to his own evil, unto his own sin.

26:12I beheld a man seeming to be wise of himself, however a fool had more hope rather than he.

26:13The lazy one says when being sent into the way, A lion is in the ways, and in the squares are murderers.

26:14As a door turns upon the hinge, so the lazy one upon his bed.

26:15The lazy one hiding the hand in his bosom shall not be able to bring it unto the mouth.

26:16The lazy one appears wiser to himself in fulfilling transmitting a message.

26:17As the one holding the tail of a dog; so the one setting himself over a stranger's case.

26:18As the ones needing healing propounds words unto men, and the first one meeting the word shall be tripped up.

26:19Thus are all the ones lying in wait for their own friends; and whenever they should be caught in the act, they say that, In playing I acted.

26:20With much wood fire flourishes; but where there is no man at variance with others a fight is stilled.

26:21A grate for coals, and wood for a fire; and a reviling man for a disturbance to a fight.

26:22Words of mischievous men are soft; but these beat into the inner chambers of the intestines.

26:23Silver given with treachery, is as a potsherd esteemed. Smooth lips cover a distressed heart.

26:24An enemy weeping assents to all things with his lips; but in the heart he contrives treachery.

26:25If the enemy should beseech you with a great voice, do not yield to him; for there are seven wickednesses in his heart.

26:26The one hiding hatred stands together with treachery, and he conceals the things of his own well-known sins in the sanhedrin.

26:27The one digging a pit for his neighbor shall fall into it; and the one rolling a stone, rolls it upon himself.

26:28A lying tongue detests truth; and an open-mouthed mouth makes commotion.