The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Proverbs 27

27:1Do not boast concerning the things for tomorrow! for you do not know what the coming day shall give birth.

27:2Let the one near laud you! and not your mouth; a stranger, and not your lips.

27:3A stone is heavy, and sand hard to bear; but the anger of a fool is heavier than both.

27:4Rage is unmerciful, and anger is sharp, but no one stands before jealousy.

27:5Revealing reproofs is better than hiding friendship.

27:6More worthy of trust are wounds of a friend, than voluntary kisses of an enemy.

27:7A soul being in fullness mocks honeycombs; but to a soul lacking, even the bitter things appear sweet.

27:8As a bird whenever it flies down from out of its own nest; so a man is enslaved whenever he estranges himself from out of his own places.

27:9Perfumes, and wines, and incenses make the heart happy; but the soul breaks down by adverse incidents.

27:10Your friend or paternal friend you should not abandon; but to the house of your brother you should not enter in adversity; better a friend near, than a brother living far.

27:11Become wise, O son! that the heart should gladden me. And turn reviling words from you!

27:12A clever man, of evils coming along, conceals himself; but fools coming along, shall pay a penalty.

27:13Remove his garment! for an insulting man passed by, the one who lays waste a stranger's goods.

27:14Who ever shall bless a friend in the morning with a great voice, shall not seem to differ from one cursing.

27:15Drops of rain on a day of winter shall cast a man from out of his house; likewise also a reviling wife drives a man from out of his own house.

27:16The north wind is hard, but is called by name fittingly.

27:17Iron sharpens iron; and a man sharpens the face of his companion.

27:18The one who plants a fig-tree shall eat the fruits of it; and the one who guards his own master shall be esteemed.

27:19As faces are not likened to other faces, so not even are the hearts likened to other men's.

27:20Hades and destruction are not filled up; likewise also the eyes of the insatiable man. One fixing the eye is an abomination to the lord, and the uninstructed ones are immoderate in tongue.

27:21Proving silver and gold is through burning by fire; but a man is tried by the mouth of ones lauding him.

27:22If you whip a fool in the midst of a sanhedrin, dishonoring him, in no way shall his folly be removed.

27:23Knowingly, you shall recognize things concerning the lives of your flock, and you shall set your heart over your herds.

27:24For might and strength to a man are not into the eon; nor does he deliver it up from generation to generation.

27:25Care for the green things in the field! and you shall shear the herbage; and gather together grass of the mountainous area!

27:26that you should have sheep's wool for clothes. Esteem the field! that there might be lambs for you.

27:27O son, you have strong sayings from me for your life, and for the life of your attendants.