The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Psalms 124

An ode of the steps.

124:1Unless it be that the lord was with us -- let Israel now say!

124:2Unless it was that the lord was with us in the rising up of men against us,

124:3then would the ones living have swallowed us in the provoking to anger of his rage against us.

124:4Then would the water have sunk us; our soul going through the rushing stream.

124:5Surely our soul went through the unsubdued water.

124:6Blessed be the lord, who did not give us as game for their teeth.

124:7Our soul as a sparrow was rescued from out of the snare of the ones hunting. The snare was broken, and we were rescued.

124:8Our help is in the name of the lord; the one making the heaven and the earth.