The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Judges 2

2:1And ascended an angel of the lord from Gilgal, unto the Place of Weeping. And he said to them, The lord transported you from Egypt, and brought you into the land which he swore by an oath to your fathers to give to you. And he said, I shall not efface my covenant with you into the eon.

2:2And you shall not ordain a covenant with the ones lying in wait in this land, nor in any way shall you do obeisance to their gods; but their carved idols break, and their altars raze! And you hearkened not to my voice, nor did you do these things.

2:3And I said, In no way shall I remove them from your face; and they will be to you for conflict, and their gods will be to you as an obstacle.

2:4And it came to pass as the angel of the lord spoke these words to all the sons of Israel, that the people lifted up their voices, and wept.

2:5Therefore he called the name of that place, Weeping. And they sacrificed there to the lord.

2:6And Joshua sent out the people, and the sons of Israel each departed to his place, and to his inheritance, to inherit the land.

2:7And the people served to the lord all the days of Joshua, and all the days of the elders, as many as prolonged their days with Joshua, as many as knew every great work of the lord which he did to Israel.

2:8And Joshua the son of Nun came to an end, a servant of the lord, a son of a hundred ten years.

2:9And they entombed him in the border of his inheritance in Timnath-heres, in mount Ephraim, from the north of mount Gaash.

2:10And indeed all that generation was added to their fathers. And another generation rose up after them which did not know the lord, and indeed the work which he did to Israel.

2:11And the sons of Israel acted wickedly before the lord, and they served to the Baalim.

2:12And they abandoned the lord God of their fathers, the one leading them out of the land of Egypt, and they went after other gods of the gods of the peoples surrounding them; and they did obeisance to them, and provoked the lord to anger.

2:13And they abandoned the lord, and served to Baal and to the Ashtoreths.

2:14And the lord was provoked to anger in rage with Israel, and he delivered them into the hand of ones despoiling, and they carried them away captive. And he gave them into the hand of their enemies round about, and they were not able to oppose against the face of their enemies.

2:15In all wherever they went, even the hand of the lord was against them for bad, as the lord said, and as the lord swore to them; and he squeezed them exceedingly.

2:16And the lord raised up judges, and the lord delivered them from the hand of the ones despoiling them. And they obeyed not their judges,

2:17for they fornicated after other gods, and did obeisance to them, and provoked the lord to anger. And they turned aside quickly from the way of which their fathers went, listening to the commandments of the lord; they did not do so.

2:18And when the lord raised up to them judges, then the lord was with the judge, and he delivered them from the hand of their enemies all the days of the judge. For the lord was moved to comfort because of their moaning from in front of the ones assaulting them and afflicting them.

2:19And it came to pass as the judge died, that they turned back, and again corrupted themselves above their fathers, to go after other gods, and to serve them, and to do obeisance to them. They did not disown their practices, and of their recalcitrant way.

2:20And the lord was provoked to anger in rage with Israel. And he said, Because of as much as this nation abandoned my covenant which I gave charge to their fathers, and hearkened not to my voice,

2:21then I shall not proceed to remove a man before their presence from the nations whom were left behind by Joshua.

2:22And he allowed to test Israel by him, if they guard the way of the lord, to go by it in which manner their fathers guarded, or not.

2:23And the lord left these nations so as to not remove them quickly; and he did not deliver them into the hand of Joshua.