The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Jeremiah 6

6:1Grow in strength, O sons of Benjamin, from the midst of Jerusalem! And in Tekoa signify by trumpet! And over Beth-haccerem lift a sign! For bad things look from the north, and great destruction is happening.

6:2And your haughtiness shall be removed, O daughter of Zion.

6:3Shepherds shall come unto her and their flocks; and they shall pitch tents against her round about. And each shall tend with his hand.

6:4Make preparations against her for war! Rise up! for we should ascend upon her at midday. Woe to us, for the day has declined, for the shadows of the day fail.

6:5Rise up! for we should ascend at night, and utterly destroy her foundations.

6:6For thus says the lord of the forces, Cut down her trees! Discharge a force against Jerusalem, O lying city! Complete tyranny is in her.

6:7As a well cools its water, so evil cools her. Impiety and misery shall be heard in her before her face always.

6:8In misery and with a whip you shall be corrected, O Jerusalem, lest my soul should depart from you; lest I should make you an untrodden land, which shall not be settled in.

6:9For thus says the lord of the forces, Glean! Glean the remnants of Israel as a grapevine! Return as one gathering the vintage returns unto his basket!

6:10To whom should I speak, and testify, and he shall hearken? Behold, their ears are uncircumcised, and they are not able to hear. Behold, the word of the lord became to them as a scorning; in no way shall they be willing to hear it.

6:11And I filled my rage, and I waited, but not finished them off entirely. I will pour out upon the simple ones outside, and upon the gathering of young men together; for man and woman shall be seized; the elder with the one full of days.

6:12And their houses shall be transferred to others, with fields and their wives together. For I will stretch out my hand against the ones dwelling this land, says the lord.

6:13For from their small and unto great all have completed lawless deeds; from the priest and unto false prophet, all acted falsely.

6:14And they repaired the destruction of my people treating it with contempt, and saying, Peace. And where is peace?

6:15They were shamed for they failed; but neither as ones being disgraced were they disgraced; and their dishonor they knew not. On account of this they shall fall in their downfall, and in time of their visitation they shall perish, said the lord.

6:16Thus says the lord, Stand upon the ways, and behold! and ask of eternal roads of the lord! and see what kind is the good way! and proceed in it! and you will find purification to your souls. And they said, We will not go.

6:17I have placed over you watchmen; hearken to the sound of the trumpet! But they said, We will not hearken.

6:18On account of this, the nations heard, and the ones tending their flocks.

6:19Hearken, O earth! Behold, I will bring upon this people bad things -- the fruit of their rejection. For my word they heeded not, and my law they have thrust away.

6:20Why do you bring frankincense from out of Sheba to me, and cinnamon from out of a land far off? Your whole burnt-offerings are not acceptable, and your sacrifices have not delighted me.

6:21On account of this, thus says the lord, Behold, I impute upon this people weakness, and fathers and sons shall weaken in it together; neighbor and his near one shall perish.

6:22Thus says the lord, Behold, a people comes from the north, and nations shall be awakened from the end of the earth.

6:23Bow and pike they shall hold. It is audacious, and will not show mercy. Its sound is as the sea swelling up. Upon horses and chariots it shall deploy as fire for war against you, O daughter of Zion.

6:24We heard the report of them; our hands were disabled; affliction holds us down; pangs as a woman giving birth.

6:25Do not go forth into a field, and do not proceed in the ways! For a broadsword of the enemies sojourns round about.

6:26Daughter of my people, gird on sackcloth! Strew ashes! You shall observe for yourself mourning as of a beloved one by beating the breast pitiably. For suddenly misery shall come upon you.

6:27I have appointed you as an approver among peoples being tried; and you shall know in my trying their way.

6:28All are unhearing, going crookedly; as brass and iron they are all being corrupted.

6:29The bellows failed at the fire; the lead failed; the silversmith works silver in vain; their wickednesses do not melt away.

6:30Call them rejected silver! for the lord rejected them.