The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Jeremiah 5

5:1Run about in the streets of Jerusalem, and see! And know, and seek in her squares! if there should be found a man; if there is one having equity, and seeking trust -- and I will be kind to them, says the lord.

5:2As the lord lives, they say, On account of this do they not swear by an oath with lies?

5:3O lord, your eyes look unto trust. You whipped them, and they were not pained. You finished them off entirely, but they did not want to take correction. They solidified their faces above a rock, and they did not want to turn towards you.

5:4And I said, perhaps they are poor, because they are not able. For they do not know the way of the lord, and the equity of God.

5:5I will go to the stout men and speak to them, for they recognized the way of the lord, and the equity of God. And behold, with one accord they broke the yoke, they tore up the bonds.

5:6On account of this a lion smote them from out of the forest; and the wolf annihilated them unto their houses; and a leopard acted vigilant over their cities. All the ones going forth from them shall be hunted; for they multiplied their impiety, they strengthened in their rejection.

5:7What kind of kindness should happen to you for these things? Your sons abandoned me, and they swore by an oath by the ones not being gods. And I have filled them, and they committed adultery, and rested up in the houses of harlots.

5:8They became sex-crazed horses; each snorting over the wife of his neighbor.

5:9Shall I not visit over these things? says the lord. or to such a nation shall not my soul take vengeance?

5:10Ascend upon her battlements, and raze! But you should not do it unto completion. Destroy her supports! for they are not of the lord.

5:11For in disrespecting they disrespected against me, says the lord, even the house of Israel, and the house of Judah.

5:12They have lied to their lord, and they said, These things are not so; there shall not come upon us bad things, and the sword and hunger we will not see.

5:13Our prophets were into the wind, and the word of the lord does not exist among them. Thus it shall be to them.

5:14On account of this, thus says the lord almighty, Because you spoke this word, behold, I have given my words into your mouth as fire, and this people as wood, and it shall devour them.

5:15Behold, I bring upon you a nation at a distance, O house of Israel, says the lord. A strong nation, a nation from the eon, a nation of which you shall not hear the voice of its language.

5:16All strong men; his quiver is as a tomb being open.

5:17And they shall devour your harvest, and your bread loaves. And they shall devour your sons, and your daughters. And they shall devour your sheep, and your calves. And they shall devour your vineyards, and your fig groves, and your olive groves. And they shall thresh your fortified cities, (upon which you rely upon them,) by the broadsword.

5:18And it will be in those days, says the lord your God, in no way will I appoint you unto completion.

5:19And it will be whenever you should say, For what reason did the lord our God do to us all these things? That you shall say to them, Because you abandoned me, and served strange gods in your land. Thus shall you serve strangers in a land not of yours.

5:20Announce these things unto the house of Jacob, and let it be heard in of Judah!

5:21Hearken indeed to these things, O moronish and heartless people! They have eyes, and they do not see; they have ears, and they do not hear.

5:22Will you not fear me, says the lord? or before my face will you not show veneration? the one ordering the sand for a limit to the sea as an eternal order, and the sea shall not pass over it; and it shall be disturbed but it will not be prevailing; and its waves shall resound, but shall not pass over it.

5:23But to this people there became an unhearing heart, and a resistance of persuasion. They turned aside and departed.

5:24And they have not said in their heart, We should indeed fear the lord our God, the one giving to us the early and late rain according to its season of the fullness of the order of harvest, and he guarded it for us.

5:25Your lawless deeds turned aside these things. And your sins removed the good things from you.

5:26For impious men were found among my people. And they set a snare to corrupt men; and they conceive their plan.

5:27As a snare having been set is full of birds, so their houses are full of treachery. On account of this they were magnified, and enriched.

5:28They became fat and violated equity. They judged not the case of the orphan, and they judged not for the case of the widow.

5:29Shall I not watch for these, says the lord? or to such a nation shall I not avenge my soul?

5:30A change of state and causes for shuddering was taken place upon the earth.

5:31The prophets prophesied unjustly, and the priests clapped their hands; and my people have loved it so. And what will you do in the times after these things?