The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Jeremiah 4

4:1If Israel should return, says the lord, to me, he shall be returned. And if he should remove his abominations from his mouth, and should show reverence from in front of me,

4:2and should swear by an oath, The lord lives, with truth, in equity and in righteousness; then they shall bless nations by him. And by him they shall give praise to God in Jerusalem.

4:3For thus says the lord to the men of Judah, and to the ones dwelling in Jerusalem, Plow to yourselves fields prepared for plowing! and you should not sow among thorn-bushes.

4:4Circumcise yourselves to your God, and circumcise the hardness of your heart, O men of Judah, and O ones dwelling in Jerusalem! lest my rage should go forth as fire, and shall be kindled, and there will not be one extinguishing from in front of the wickednesses of your practices.

4:5Announce in Judah, and hearken in Jerusalem! Say! Signify with a trumpet unto the land! Cry out great! Say! Be gathered together! and, We should enter into the walled cities.

4:6In taking up your things, flee unto Zion! Hasten, do not stand! for I bring evils from the north, and great destruction.

4:7The lion ascended from out of his lair, utterly destroying nations. He lifted away and came forth from out of his place, to make the earth for desolation; and your cities shall be demolished, so as to not dwell them.

4:8Concerning these things gird yourselves with sackcloths, and lament, and shout! because the rage of the anger of the lord shall not be turned from you.

4:9And it will be in that day, says the lord, the heart of the king shall perish, and the heart of the rulers; and the priests shall be amazed, and the prophets shall wonder.

4:10And I said, O master, O lord, Surely indeed in beguiling you beguiled this people, and Jerusalem, saying, Peace will be to you; whereas the sword shall touch unto their soul.

4:11In that time they shall say to this people, and to Jerusalem, There is a spirit of addiction to a delusion in the wilderness; the way of the daughter of my people is not to purity, nor to holiness.

4:12A spirit of fullness shall come to me; but now I shall speak my judgments against them.

4:13Behold, as a cloud he shall ascend, and his chariots as a blast. Lighter than eagles are his horses. Woe to us, for we are in misery.

4:14Wash your heart from evils, O Jerusalem! that you should be delivered. For how long shall the devices of your miseries exist in you?

4:15Because a voice of one announcing from out of Dan shall come; and the misery from out of mount Ephraim shall be heard.

4:16Remind nations! Behold, announce in Jerusalem! Confederacies are come from out of a land far off, and they uttered their voices against the cities of Judah.

4:17As ones guarding a field they have come upon her round about; for you neglected me, says the lord.

4:18Your ways and your practices did these things to you; this is your evil, for it is bitter, for it touched unto your heart.

4:19My belly, my belly aches, and the senses of my heart. My soul is irresistibly led. My heart is being thrown into a spasm. I shall not keep silent, for my soul heard the sound of a trumpet, a cry of war,

4:20and of misery. Conflict is being called upon, for all the land is in misery suddenly. The tent languishes; my hide coverings have been pulled apart.

4:21For how long shall I see ones fleeing, hearing the sound of a trumpet?

4:22For the ones leading my people do not know me; they are foolish sons, and not discerning. They are wise to do evil, but the doing good they have not recognized.

4:23I looked upon the earth, and behold -- nothing; and into the heaven, and its lights were not.

4:24I beheld the mountains, and they was trembling, and all the hills were being disturbed.

4:25I looked, and behold, a man did not exist, and all the birds of the heaven were terrified.

4:26I beheld, and behold, Carmel was desolate, and all the cities being set on fire by fire from the countenance of the lord; and from the countenance of the anger of his rage they were removed from view.

4:27Thus says the lord, All the earth will be desolate; but in no way will I do it unto completion.

4:28Upon these things let the earth mourn, and let the heaven above be darkened! Because I have spoken, and I shall not change my mind. I advanced it, and I will not turn from it.

4:29From the sound of a horseman, and tightly stretched bow, every place withdrew; they have entered into the caves, and they were hid in the sacred groves; and they ascended upon the rocks. Every city they abandoned; man does not dwell in them.

4:30And you, what shall you do? If you should put on scarlet, and should be adorned with an ornament of gold; and if you should rub antimony on your eyes, your finery is in vain; your lovers thrusted you away, they seek your life.

4:31For I heard a sound as women travailing; your moaning as one giving birth for the first time. The voice of the daughter of Zion shall faint, and her hands shall weaken; saying, Woe am I, for my soul fails over the ones being done away with.