The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Psalms 88

An ode of a psalm to the sons of Korah; for the director; by the harp to respond for contemplation to Heman the Israelite.

88:1O lord, the God of my deliverance; I cried out before you day and at night.

88:2Let my prayer enter before you! Lean your ear to my supplication!

88:3For my soul is filled of bad things, and my life approached Hades.

88:4I was counted with the ones going down into the pit. I became as an incurable man;

88:5free among the dead, as ones slain sleeping in the tomb, whom you do not remember any longer; and they were thrusted away from out of your hand.

88:6They put me in the lowermost pit, in dark places, and in the shadow of death.

88:7Upon me your rage stayed, and you brought upon me all your crests. PAUSE.

88:8You distanced from me the ones knowing me. You made me an abomination to them. I have been delivered up, and have not gone forth.

88:9My eyes are weakened from poorness. I cried out to you, O lord, the entire day. I opened and spread out to you my hands.

88:10Shall you do wonders for the dead? or shall physicians rise up and make acknowledgment to you?

88:11Shall any one in the tomb describe your mercy and your truth in the destruction?

88:12Shall your wonders be made known in the darkness? and your righteousness in a land being forgotten?

88:13But I cried out to you O lord; and in the morning my prayer shall be with you beforehand.

88:14Why, O lord, do you thrust away my soul, and turn your face from me?

88:15I am poor and in troubles from my youth. But being raised up high I was humbled and left destitute.

88:16Upon me your angers went; your frightful things disturbed me.

88:17They encircle me as water; the entire day they compassed me together.

88:18You put far from me friend and near one, and the ones knowing me, because of misery.