The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Isaiah 23

23:1The matter of Tyre. Shriek O boats of Carthage! For she perished, and no longer do they come from out of the land of Chittim; she is led captive.

23:2To whom have the ones dwelling in the island become likened; traders of Phoenicia passing through the sea;

23:3in much water; a seed of traders; the traders of the nations as a harvest being carried in.

23:4Be ashamed, O Sidon, said the sea! Even the strength of the sea said, I travailed not, nor gave birth, nor nourished young ones, nor raised up virgins.

23:5But whenever it should become audible in Egypt, grief shall overtake them concerning Tyre.

23:6Go forth to Carthage! Shriek! O ones dwelling in this island.

23:7Was this not your insolence, the one from the beginning, before she was delivered up?

23:8Who planned these things against Tyre? Is she inferior or not strong? Her merchants were the glorious rulers of the earth.

23:9The lord of Hosts plans to disable all the insolence of the glorious ones, and to dishonor every glorious thing upon the earth.

23:10Work your land! for even boats no longer come from out of Carthage.

23:11And your hand no longer prevails against the sea, O one provoking kings. The lord of Hosts gave charge concerning Canaan, to destroy her strength.

23:12And they shall say, No longer in any way should you proceed to insult and to wrong the daughter of Zion; and if you should go forth to Chittim, not even there shall be rest to you.

23:13And if you depart unto the land of the Chaldeans, even this was made desolate from the Assyrians, not even there will be rest to you, for her wall has fallen.

23:14Shriek! boats of Carthage, for your fortress is destroyed.

23:15And it will be in that day, Tyre shall be forsaken for seventy years, as the time of one king, as the time of a man. And after seventy years Tyre will be as the song of a harlot.

23:16Take a harp! Stray! O harlot city being forgotten. Play the harp well! Sing much! that the memory of you takes place.

23:17And it will be after the seventy years, God will make a visit to Tyre, and again she shall be restored to her ancient state; and she shall be a market-place for all the kingdoms of the inhabitable world upon the face of the earth.

23:18And her trade and wage will be holy to the lord. It shall not be brought to them, but to the ones dwelling before the lord, even all her trade, to eat and to drink, and be filled, and for a compact memorial before the lord.