The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Isaiah 22

22:1The matter of the ravine of Zion. What happened to you that now you all ascended unto the roofs in vain?

22:2the city was filled up of ones yelling. Your slain are not slain ones by swords, nor your dead dead ones by war.

22:3All your rulers have fled together from the bow, they are being tied, and the ones being strong among you have fled at a distance.

22:4On account of this, I said, Let me go! I shall weep bitterly. You should not grow strong to comfort me over the destruction of the daughter of my people.

22:5For it is a day of disturbance, and destruction, and trampling, and an addiction to a delusion by the lord of Hosts. They wander in the ravine of Zion. They wander from small unto great upon the mountain.

22:6But the Elamites took quivers, and men riders upon horses, and there was a gathering of a battle array.

22:7And your choice ravines will be filled of chariots, and the horsemen shall obstruct your gates.

22:8And they shall uncover the gates of Judah, and they shall look in that day unto the choice houses of the city.

22:9And they shall uncover the hidden places of the houses of the Akra of David. And they saw that there were many more, and they turned the water of the ancient pool into the city;

22:10and that they demolished the houses of Jerusalem for fortification of the walls of the city.

22:11And you produced for yourselves water between the two walls inside the ancient pool, but you did not look to the one making it in the beginning; and the one creating it you did not behold.

22:12And the lord of Hosts called for weeping in that day, and beating the breast, and shaving, and girding up sackcloths.

22:13But they were making glad and leaping for joy, slaying calves, and sacrificing sheep so as to eat meat and to drink wine, saying, We should eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.

22:14And these things are being uncovered in the ears of the lord of Hosts, for this sin shall not be forgiven you until whenever you should die.

22:15Thus says the lord of Hosts, Go into the cubicle, to Somnan the storekeeper, and say to him,

22:16Why are you here? and what is there to you here? that you quarried for yourself here a memorial, and made for yourself in a high place a memorial, and depicted to yourself a dwelling in the rock.

22:17Behold, indeed, the lord of Hosts shall cast out and shall obliterate such a man, and shall remove your apparel, and your honorable crown,

22:18and will toss you into a great and unmeasured place, and there you shall die; and he will establish your good chariot for dishonor, and the house of your ruler for trampling.

22:19And you shall be removed from your administration, and from your station.

22:20And it will be in that day, even I will call my servant Eliakim the son of Helkiah;

22:21and I will put on him your apparel, and I will give to him your crown. And might, and your administration I will put into his hands; and he shall be as a father to the ones dwelling Jerusalem, and to the ones dwelling Judah.

22:22And I will put to him the key of the house of David upon his shoulder. And he shall open, and there will not be one locking. And he shall lock, and there shall not be one opening. And I will give the glory of David to him. And he will rule, and there will not be one disputing.

22:23And I will establish him as ruler in a trustworthy place, and he will be for a throne of glory for his father's house.

22:24And every honorable one in the house of his father will be relying upon him, from small unto great; every small vessel from vessels of the cups. And they will be hanging upon him in that day.

22:25Thus says the lord of Hosts, The man being fixed fast in a trustworthy place shall be moved; and the glory upon him shall be removed and shall fall and shall waste away; for the lord spoke.