The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Isaiah 21

21:1The vision of the wilderness. As a blast might go through a wilderness, from out of the wilderness coming from land;

21:2so a fearful and hard vision was announced to me; the one disregarding disregards; the one acting lawlessly acts lawlessly. The Elamites are upon me, and the ambassadors of the Persians come against me. Now I shall moan and shall comfort myself.

21:3Because of this my loin was filled with feebleness, and pangs took me as the one giving birth. I transgressed to not hear, I hurried to not see.

21:4My heart wanders, and lawlessness immerses me; my soul attends to fear.

21:5Prepare the table! Eat! Drink! Rising up are the rulers. Pull up shields!

21:6For thus said the lord to me, Proceeding, stand yourself as watchman, and whatever you should behold announce!

21:7And I saw riders -- two horsemen, a rider of a donkey, and a rider of a camel. Listen with great hearing!

21:8And call Uriah to the watchtower of the lord! And he said, I stood always by day, and over the camp I stood all the night.

21:9And behold, he comes -- a rider of a double chariot; and responding he said, Has fallen, has fallen, Babylon and all her statues; and her handmade idols were broken unto the ground.

21:10Hear! O ones being left behind, and, O ones grieving. Hear what I heard from the lord of Hosts! what the God of Israel announced to you.

21:11The vision of Edom. He called to me from Seir. Guard the parapets!

21:12I guard in the morning, and the night; if you should seek, seek; and live with me!

21:13In the forest by evening you shall bed down in the way of Dedan;

21:14for meeting with the one thirsting bring water! O ones dwelling in the place of Tema. Meet with bread loaves the ones fleeing!

21:15because of the multitude of the ones being slain, and because of the multitude of the ones wandering, and because of the multitude of the swords, and because of the multitude of the bows of the ones being extended, and because of the multitude of the ones fallen in the battle.

21:16For thus the lord said to me, Yet a year, as the year of a hireling, the glory of Kedar shall fail.

21:17And the remnant of the strong bowmen of the sons of Kedar will be few. For the lord God of Israel spoke.