The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Isaiah 20

20:1The year that Tartan entered unto Ashdod, when he was sent by Sargon king of the Assyrians, and he waged war against Ashdod, and overtook it,

20:2Then the lord spoke to Isaiah son of Amoz, saying, Go and remove the sackcloth from your loin, and untie your sandals from your feet! And he did thus, going naked and barefoot.

20:3And the lord said, In which manner Isaiah my servant goes naked and barefoot -- three years shall be signs and miracles to the Egyptians and Ethiopians;

20:4for thus the king of the Assyrians shall lead the captivity of Egypt and Ethiopia, young men and old men, naked and barefoot, uncovering the shame of Egypt.

20:5And they shall be ashamed being vanquished upon the Ethiopians of whom the Egyptians were relying, for they were their glory.

20:6And the ones dwelling in the island shall say this in that day, Behold, we were relying to flee to them for help, to the ones who were not able to be delivered from the king of the Assyrians; and how shall we be delivered?