The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Job 41

41:1And shall you lead the dragon by a hook, and put a halter around his nose?

41:2Or will you tie a hook in his nose, and will you make a hole in his lip for a clasp?

41:3And will he speak to you earnest supplications softly?

41:4And will he establish a covenant with you? And will you take him for an everlasting servant?

41:5And will you play with him as a bird? Or will you bind him as a sparrow for a child?

41:6And do nations feed in him? And do the nations of the Phoenicians partition him?

41:7And everything afloat coming together in no way shall bear the hide of his one tail; nor in the boats of fishermen shall they bear his head.

41:8But shall you place a hand on him, remembering the war taking place in his body, and let it no longer take place?

41:9Have you not seen him, nor wondered over the ones speaking?

41:10Are you not in awe that it has been prepared by me? For who is the one opposing me?

41:11Or who shall oppose me and remain, since all under heaven is mine?

41:12I will not keep silent because of him; and the word of power shall show mercy equal to him.

41:13Who will uncover the front of his clothing? and into the fold of his chest plate who can enter?

41:14Who will open the gates of his face? Round about his teeth is fear;

41:15His insides are as shields of brass, and his sinews are as emery stone.

41:16One of one cleaves together, and wind in no way goes through it;

41:17as a man to his brother they shall be cleaved; they are held together, and in no way draw apart.

41:18In his sneezing brightness shines forth, and his eyes are as the appearance of the morning star.

41:19From out of his mouth burning lamps shall go forth, and scattered grates of fire.

41:20From out of his nostrils comes forth smoke of a furnace burning with coals of fire.

41:21His soul is as live coals; and a flame goes forth from out of his mouth.

41:22And in his neck lodges power. Destruction runs before him.

41:23And the flesh of his body cleaves tightly. If one pours down upon him, he will not be shaken.

41:24His heart is fixed as stone, and he stands as an anvil, not malleable.

41:25And his turning gives fear to the four-footed wild beasts leaping upon the earth.

41:26If lances should meet up with him, nothing in any way shall terrify by spear and chest plate.

41:27For he esteems iron as straw, and brass as rotten wood.

41:28In no way shall the bow of brass pierce him. He esteems a slinger indeed as grass;

41:29hammers are considered as stubble; and he ridicules the quaking of a fire-bearer.

41:30His strewn bed is of sharp points; and all the gold of the sea under him is as untold mud.

41:31The abyss breaks out as a brazen cauldron; and he esteems the sea as an ointment jar.

41:32And the infernal region of the abyss is as if a captive; he considers the abyss for a promenade.

41:33There is not anything upon the earth likened to him, being made, to be mocked at by my angels.

41:34Every lofty thing he sees; and he is king of all the things in the waters.