The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Psalms 81

To the director; for the wine vats; a psalm to Asaph.

81:1Exult to God our helper! Shout to the God of Jacob!

81:2Take a psalm, and utter a sound on the tambourine, and the delightful psaltery with the harp!

81:3Trump during the new moon -- a trumpet in the well-marked day of your holiday!

81:4For it is an order to Israel, and a judgment by the God of Jacob.

81:5He made it to be a testimony among Joseph, during his coming forth from out of the land of Egypt; a tongue which knew not, he heard.

81:6He removed his back from tribute; his hands were enslaved to the hamper.

81:7In affliction you called upon me, and I rescued you. I heeded you in the concealed place of the gale; PAUSE. I tried you at Water of Dispute.

81:8Hear, O my people! and I will testify to you, O Israel, if you should hear me.

81:9There will not be in you a god newly made, nor shall you do obeisance to an alien god.

81:10For I am the lord your God; the one leading you from out of the land of Egypt. Widen your mouth! and I shall fill it.

81:11But my people did not hear my voice; and Israel gave no heed to me.

81:12And I sent them out according to the practices of their hearts; they shall go in their practices.

81:13If my people heard me, if Israel were gone by my ways,

81:14not the less would I humbled their enemies, and I would have put my hand upon the ones afflicting them.

81:15The enemies of the lord lied to him, and their time will be into the eon.

81:16And he fed them of the fat of wheat; and he filled them from out of the rock with honey.