The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Genesis 29

29:1And Jacob lifting his feet, went into the land of the east to Laban, the son of Bethuel the Syrian, and brother of Rebekah, mother of Jacob and Esau.

29:2And he saw, and behold, there was a well in the plain. And there were there three flocks of sheep resting near it, for from out of that well they watered the flocks. And there was a great stone upon the mouth of the well.

29:3And all the flocks came together there. And they rolled away the stone from the mouth of the well, and they watered the sheep, and restored the stone upon the mouth of the well into its place.

29:4And Jacob said to them, Brethren, from what place are you? And they said, We are from Haran.

29:5And he said to them, You know Laban the son of Nahor? And they said, We know him.

29:6And he said to them, Is he in health? And they said, He is in health, and behold, Rachel his daughter comes with the sheep.

29:7And Jacob said, There is still much day, for not yet is the hour for the herds to come together; having watered the sheep, sending them forth graze them!

29:8And they said, We are not able until the coming together of all the shepherds, for they should roll away the stone from the mouth of the well, and we shall water the sheep.

29:9While he was speaking to them, and behold, Rachel the daughter of Laban comes with the sheep of her father. For she grazed the sheep of her father.

29:10And it came to pass as Jacob saw Rachel, the daughter of Laban, brother of his mother, and the sheep of Laban, the brother of his mother; and coming forward, Jacob rolled away the stone from the mouth of the well. And he watered the sheep of Laban, the brother of his mother.

29:11And Jacob kissed Rachel. And yelling with his voice he wept.

29:12And he reported to Rachel that he is a brother of her father, and that he is a son of Rebekah. And she ran to report to her father concerning these words.

29:13And it came to pass as Laban heard the name Jacob, the son of his sister, he ran to meet him. And taking hold of him, he kissed him and brought him into his house. And he described to Laban all these matters.

29:14And Laban said to him, From out of my bones, and from out of my flesh are you. And he was with him a month of days.

29:15And Laban said to Jacob that, For you are my brother, you shall not be a slave to me without charge, you tell to me what your wage is?

29:16And to Laban there were two daughters, the name of the older -- Leah, and the name of the younger -- Rachel.

29:17But the eyes of Leah were weak, but Rachel was good to the sight, and beautiful in appearance -- exceedingly.

29:18And Jacob loved Rachel. And he said, I will serve you seven years for Rachel your younger daughter.

29:19And Laban said to him, Better for me to give her to you, than for me to give her to another man. You live with me!

29:20And Jacob served for Rachel seven years, and they were before him as a few days, because of his love for her.

29:21And Jacob said to Laban, Give to me my wife, for the days are fulfilled so as to enter to her!

29:22And Laban brought together all the men of the place, and he made a wedding.

29:23And it became evening. And taking Leah his daughter, he brought her to Jacob, and Jacob entered to her.

29:24And Laban gave Leah his daughter Zilpah his maidservant.

29:25And it happened in the morning, and behold, there was Leah. And Jacob said to Laban, What is this you did to me, was it not on account of Rachel I served for you, and why did you mislead me?

29:26And Laban said, It is not so in our place to give the younger before the elder.

29:27You complete then these sevenths and I will give to you also this woman for the work of which you will work for me, yet another seven years.

29:28And Jacob did so, and fulfilled these her sevenths. And Laban gave to him Rachel his daughter, to him as wife.

29:29And Laban gave Bilhah the maidservant to his daughter.

29:30And he entered to Rachel. And he loved Rachel rather than Leah. And he served him another seven years.

29:31And the lord seeing that Leah was detested, he opened her womb. But Rachel was sterile.

29:32And Leah conceived and bore a son to Jacob. And she called his name, Reuben, saying, Because the lord saw my the humiliation, and he gave to me a son; now then my husband will love me.

29:33And again Leah conceived and bore a second son to Jacob. And she said, For the lord heard that I am detested, and he gave in addition to me also this one. And she called his name, Simeon.

29:34And she conceived again and bore a son. And she said, In the present time my husband will be by me, for I bore to him three sons. On account of this she called his name, Levi.

29:35And conceiving again she bore a son. And she said, Now yet this I will acknowledge to the lord. On account of this she called his name, Judah. And she stopped bearing.