The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Genesis 30

30:1And Rachel saw that she has not borne to Jacob. And Rachel envied her sister. And she said to Jacob, Give to me a child! and if not, I will come to an end.

30:2And Jacob being enraged with Rachel, said to her, I am not in place of God who deprived you of the fruit of the belly?

30:3And Rachel said to Jacob, Behold, my maidservant Bilhah. Enter to her! and she will bear upon my knees, and even I will produce children from her.

30:4And she gave Bilhah to him -- her maidservant to him as wife. And Jacob entered to her.

30:5And Bilhah the maidservant of Rachel conceived. And she bore to Jacob a son.

30:6And Rachel said, God judged me, and he heeded my voice, and he gave to me a son through this one. On account of this she called his name, Dan.

30:7And Bilhah the maidservant of Rachel conceived again. And she bore a second son to Jacob.

30:8And Rachel said, God aided me, and I was twisted by my sister, and I was able. And she called his name, Naphtali.

30:9And Leah saw that she stopped bearing. And she took Zilpah her maidservant, and gave her to Jacob as wife.

30:10And Zilpah the maidservant of Leah conceived. And she bore to Jacob a son.

30:11And Leah said, I am in good luck. And she named his name, Gad.

30:12And Zilpah the maidservant of Leah conceived again. And she bore to Jacob a second son.

30:13And Leah said, Blessed am I, for the women declare me happy. And she called his name, Asher.

30:14And Reuben went in the day of the wheat harvest, and he found apples of mandrakes in the field. And he brought them to Leah his mother. And Rachel said to Leah her sister, Give to me of the mandrakes of your son!

30:15And Leah said, Is it not fit to you that you took my man, shall also you take of the mandrakes of my son? And Rachel said, Not so, let him go to bed with you this night in return for the mandrakes of your son.

30:16And Jacob entered from out of the field at evening. And came forth Leah to meet him. And she said, You shall enter to me today, for I have hired you in return for the mandrakes of my son. And he went to bed with her that night.

30:17And God heeded Leah. And conceiving, she bore a fifth son to Jacob.

30:18And Leah said, God gave to me my wage because I gave my maidservant to my husband. And she called his name, Issachar, which is, Wage.

30:19And Leah conceived again. And she bore a sixth son to Jacob.

30:20And Leah said, God has presented to me a good gift in the present time, my man will select me for having borne to him six sons. And she called his name, Zebulun.

30:21And after this she bore a daughter, and she called her name, Dinah.

30:22And God remembered Rachel. And God heeded her, and he opened her womb.

30:23And conceiving, she bore to Jacob a son. And Rachel said, God removed from me the scorn.

30:24And she called his name Joseph, saying, God added to me another son!

30:25And it came to pass when Rachel bore Joseph, Jacob said to Laban, Send me that I may go forth into my place, and unto my land!

30:26Give to me my wives, and my children! for whom I have served to you, that I might go forth. For you know the servitude which I have served you.

30:27And Laban said to him, If I found favor before you, could I foretell even -- God blessed me in your entrance.

30:28You draw your wage from me! and I will give it.

30:29And Jacob said to him, You know in what I served you, and how much of your cattle was with me.

30:30For there was little as much as was to you before me, and it was grown into a multitude; and the lord blessed you by my foot. Now then, when shall I also produce for myself a house?

30:31And Laban said to him, What shall I give to you? And Jacob said to him, You shall not give to me anything. If you should do for me this word, again I will tend your flocks, and guard them.

30:32Let all your flocks go by today, and you part from there every gray sheep among the rams, and all white-mixed and speckled among the goats! It will be to me a wage.

30:33And my righteousness will take heed to me in the next day; for my wage is before you -- all which might not be speckled and white-mixed among the goats, and gray among the rams, will be as stolen by me.

30:34And Laban said to him, Let it be according to your word!

30:35And he drew apart in that day the speckled he-goats, and the white-mixed, and all the goats, the speckled and the white-mixed, and all gray, the one which was among the rams. And he gave by the hand of his sons.

30:36And he left a journey of three days between them and between Jacob. And Jacob tended the flocks of Laban -- the ones left behind.

30:37And Jacob took to himself a rod of green poplar, and of walnut, and of the plane tree. And Jacob peeled them into white peels, tearing away the green. And there appeared upon the rods the white which he peeled -- varying.

30:38And he placed the rods which he peeled at the watering troughs of the channels of the water. That whenever the flocks came to drink in front of the rods of those having come to drink, the rods should stimulate the flocks at the rods.

30:39And the flocks bore white-mixed, and colored, and ashen speckled.

30:40And Jacob drew apart the lambs. And he set a ram white-mixed before the sheep, and every colored one among the lambs. And he parted to himself flocks for himself, and did not mix them into the flocks of Laban.

30:41And it came to pass in the time the flocks which he stimulated in the womb, Jacob taking them put the rods before the flocks at the watering troughs for the purpose of stimulating them by the rods.

30:42But whenever the flocks bore he did not place them. And the unmarked became Laban's, and the marked Jacob's.

30:43And the man became rich exceedingly, exceedingly. And there was to him much cattle, and oxen, and manservants, and maidservants, and camels, and donkeys.