The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Genesis 31

31:1And Jacob heard the utterances of the sons of Laban, saying, Jacob has taken all the things of our father. And by the things of our father he has produced all this glory.

31:2And Jacob saw the face of Laban; and behold, he was not for him as yesterday and the third day before.

31:3And the lord said to Jacob, Return to the land of your father, and to your family! and I will be with you.

31:4And Jacob sending, called Leah and Rachel to the plain where the flocks were.

31:5And he said to them, I see the face of your father, that it is not towards me as yesterday and the third day before. But the God of my father was with me.

31:6But also you yourselves know that with all my strength I have served to your father.

31:7But your father cheated me, and bartered my wage for the ten lambs. And the God of my father did not give to him the power to do evil against me.

31:8If thus he should have said, The colored will be your wage, then all the flocks would bear colored. And if he should have said, The white will be your wage, then all the flocks would bear white.

31:9And God removed all the herds of your father, and he gave them to me.

31:10And it came to pass when the flocks were stimulated, in the womb conceiving, that I saw them with my eyes in sleep. And behold, the he-goats and the rams ascended upon the flocks, and the she-goats white-mixed and colored and ashen speckled.

31:11And the angel of God said to me during sleep, Jacob. And I said, What is it?

31:12And he said, Look up with your eyes, and see the he-goats and the rams ascending upon the flocks, and the she-goats -- white-mixed and colored and ashen speckled! For I have seen as much as Laban does to you.

31:13I am God, the one appearing to you in the place of God, of which you anointed to me there a monument, and vowed to me there a vow. Now then, rise up and go forth from out of this land! And go forth into the land of your birth!

31:14And answering Rachel and Leah said to him, Is there not to us still a portion or inheritance in the house of our father?

31:15Are we not considered as the aliens to him? For he has sold us, and by eating up a thing devoured our silver.

31:16All the riches and the glory which the God of our father removed will be ours and our children's. Now then as much as God has said to you, you do!

31:17And Jacob rising up, took his wives, and his children upon the camels.

31:18And he took away all his possessions, and all his belongings, which he procured in Mesopotamia, and all his things to go forth to Isaac his father, in the land of Canaan.

31:19And Laban set out to shear his flocks, and Rachel stole the idols of her father.

31:20And Jacob hid the fact from Laban the Syrian, so as not to announce to him that he is running away.

31:21And he ran away, himself and all of his. And he passed over the river, and he advanced unto the mountain of Gilead.

31:22And it was announced to Laban the Syrian on the third day that Jacob ran away.

31:23And taking all the ones of his brethren with himself, he pursued after him seven days journey. And he overtook him in the mountain of Gilead.

31:24And God came to Laban the Syrian during sleep in the night, and he said to him, Guard! lest at any time you should speak evil against Jacob.

31:25And Laban overtook Jacob. And Jacob pitched his tent in the mountain. And Laban stationed his brethren in the mountain of Gilead.

31:26And Laban said to Jacob, What did you do? Why did you secretly run away, and ransacked me, and took away my daughters as captives taken by sword?

31:27For if you announced to me, I would have sent out even you with gladness, and with music, and tambourines, and harps.

31:28And not am I worthy to kiss my children, and my daughters. Now then you acted unwisely.

31:29And now my hand is strong to do evil against you. But the God of your father yesterday said to me, saying, Guard yourself! lest at any time you should speak evil against Jacob.

31:30Now then, you go! For with desire you desired to go forth unto the house of your father; why did you steal my gods?

31:31And answering Jacob said to Laban, For I said, Lest at any time you should remove your daughters from me, and all my things.

31:32And Jacob said, By whomsoever you should find your gods, he shall not live before our brethren. Recognize what is from me of the things of yours, and take them! And he did not recognize among what was his -- not one thing. But Jacob did not know that Rachel his wife stole them.

31:33And entering, Laban searched in the house of Leah, and he did not find. And he came forth from out of the house of Leah, and he searched the house of Jacob, and in the house of the two maidservants, and he did not find. And he entered also into the house of Rachel.

31:34And Rachel took the idols, and put them in the packsaddles of the camel, and sat on them.

31:35And she said to her father, Do not bear heavily, O master, I shall not be able to rise up before you, for the custom of women is to me. And Laban searched in the entire house, and he did not find the idols.

31:36And Jacob was provoked to anger, and he quarreled with Laban. And responding Jacob said to Laban, What is my offence? and what is my sin, that you pursued after me?

31:37and that you searched all the items of my house? What did you find from all the items of your house? Put here before your brethren and my brethren, and let them reprove between the two of us!

31:38These twenty years I am with you; your flocks and your goats were not barren, and the rams of your flocks I did not eat.

31:39That taken by wild beasts I have not brought to you. I paid for them by myself, even thefts by day, and thefts by night.

31:40I was burning with the sweltering heat by day, and with the icy coldness of the night. And my sleep departed from my eyes.

31:41These twenty years I am in your residence. I served you fourteen years for your two daughters, and six years among your sheep, and you cheated my wage by ten ewe-lambs.

31:42Unless the God of my father Abraham, and the fear of Isaac was with me, now then would you have sent me empty. My humiliation and the toil of my hands God saw, and he reproved you yesterday.

31:43And responding Laban said to Jacob, The daughters are my daughters, and the sons my sons, and the cattle my cattle; and all as much as you see is mine, and the property of my daughters. What shall I do with these women today or the children of them whom they bore?

31:44Now then, come here, we should ordain a covenant, I and you, and it will be a testimony between me and you.

31:45And Jacob taking a stone, established it as a monument;

31:46And Jacob said to his brethren, Collect together stones! And they collected together stones. And they made a hill. And they ate there upon the hill.

31:47And Laban called it, Hill of the Witness, but Jacob called it, The Hill is Witness.

31:48And Laban said, this hill witnesses between me and you today. Because of this the name of the place was called, Hill Witnesses.

31:49And the vision, which he said, Let God look between me and you, is that we will leave the other from the other.

31:50If you shall humble my daughters, if you should take wives over my daughters, you see no one is with us seeing -- God is witness between me and between you.

31:51And Laban said to Jacob, Behold, this hill, and the monument which I stood between me and you;

31:52this hill witnesses, and the monument which I stood -- it witnesses. For if I pass over, I to you, neither shall you pass over to me beyond this hill and this monument, for evil.

31:53The God of Abraham and the God of Nahor judges between us.

31:54And Jacob swore by an oath according to the fear of his father Isaac. And he sacrificed a sacrifice in the mountain, and he called his brethren; and they ate and drank, and they went to sleep in the mountain.

31:55And Laban rising up in the morning, kissed the sons and daughters of his, and he blessed them. And Laban turned and went forth to his place.