The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Jeremiah 17

17:1Thus says the lord. The sin of Judah is being written with an iron stylus with clawed adamantine being carved upon the tablet of their heart, and upon the horns of their shrines.

17:2even in the remembering of their sons of their shrines and their sacred groves upon tree woods, upon the high hills.

17:3O mountain in the plain, of your wealth and all of you treasures I shall give for plunder; your heights for sin in all your boundaries.

17:4And you shall be forsaken from your inheritance which I gave to you. And I will make you to serve to your enemies in the land which you knew not. For you kindled fire in my wrath; unto the eon it shall blaze.

17:5Thus says the lord, Cursed is the man who has hope upon man, and shall fix firmly the flesh of his arm, and should separate his heart from the lord.

17:6And he will be as the tamarisk in the wilderness; he shall not see whenever good things come. But he shall encamp in salty lands, and in a wilderness in a land brackish which is not dwelt.

17:7And being blessed is the man who relies upon the lord, and the lord will be his hope.

17:8And he shall be as a tree prospering by waters; and upon a moist place he shall shoot his roots; and he will not be fearful whenever sweltering heat comes; and there will be for him tree trunks of the woods. In the year of drought he shall not be fearful, and he shall not stop producing fruit.

17:9The heart is deep beyond all things, and man is, who shall know him?

17:10I the lord am examining hearts, trying kidneys, to give to each according to his ways, and according to the fruits of their practices.

17:11The partridge speaks out loud, gathering together what she did not give birth. So the man having his riches but not with equity; in the first half of his days his riches will leave him, and at the last half of his days he will be a fool.

17:12Our sanctuary is a throne of glory being raised up high from the beginning.

17:13The waiting of Israel, O lord, all the ones forsaking you, let them be disgraced! Ones revolting, let them be written upon the ground! for they abandoned the spring of life -- the lord.

17:14Heal me, O lord! and I shall be healed. Deliver me! and I shall be delivered. For you are my boasting.

17:15Behold, they say to me, Where is the word of the lord? Let it come!

17:16But I tired not following closely after you; and the day of man I desired not. You have knowledge of the things having gone forth through my lips; it is before your face.

17:17You should not be to me for alienation; but one sparing me in the evil day.

17:18May the ones pursuing me be disgraced, and may I not be disgraced myself. May they be terrified, but may I not be terrified myself. Bring upon them the wicked day! In double destruction destroy them!

17:19Thus says the lord to me, Proceed and stand in the gates of the sons of the people! by which kings of Judah enter, and by which they go forth by them, and in all the gates of Jerusalem.

17:20And you shall say to them, Hear the word of the lord, O kings of Judah, and all Judea, and all Jerusalem! O ones entering by these gates.

17:21Thus says the lord, Guard your souls, and do not lift burdens on the day of the Sabbaths! and you should not carry in through the gates of Jerusalem.

17:22And do not bring forth burdens from out of your residences on the day of the Sabbaths! And you shall not do any work. Sanctify the day of the Sabbaths! as I gave charge to your fathers.

17:23And they hearkened not, and leaned not their ear. And they hardened their neck over their fathers to not hear me, and to not take instruction.

17:24And it will be, if you should hearken to me, says the lord, to not carry in burdens through the gates of this city in the day of the Sabbaths, and to sanctify the day of the Sabbaths to not do any work in it,

17:25that there shall enter through the gates of this city kings and rulers sitting upon the throne of David, and mounting upon their chariots and horses, they and their rulers, the men of Judah, and the ones dwelling in Jerusalem. And this city shall be settled into the eon.

17:26And they shall come from out of the cities of Judah, and round about Jerusalem, and from out of the land of Benjamin, and from out of the plain, and from out of the mountain, and from out of the country to the south, bringing whole burnt-offerings, and sacrifices, and incenses, and manna, and frankincense; bringing praise into the house of the lord.

17:27And it will be if you should not hearken to me to sanctify the day of the Sabbaths, to lift no burdens, and to not enter through the gates of Jerusalem in the day of the Sabbaths; then I will kindle a fire in her gates; and it shall devour the plazas of Jerusalem, and it shall not be extinguished.