The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Psalms 86

A prayer to David.

86:1Lean, O lord, your ear, and heed me! for I am poor and needy.

86:2Guard my soul, for I am sacred! Deliver your servant, O my God! the one hoping upon you.

86:3Show mercy on me, O lord! for to you I will cry out the entire day.

86:4Gladden the soul of your servant! for to you I lifted my soul.

86:5For you, O lord, are gracious, and lenient, and full of mercy to all the ones calling upon you.

86:6Give ear, O lord, to my prayer, and take heed to the voice of my supplication!

86:7In the day of my affliction I cried out to you, for you heeded me.

86:8There is not one likened to you among gods, O lord; and there is not one likened according to your works.

86:9All the nations, as many as you made, shall come and do obeisance before you, O lord, and they shall glorify your name.

86:10For you are great, and performing wonders. You are the only God.

86:11Guide me, O lord, in your way! and I will go in your truth. Let my heart be glad to fear your name!

86:12I shall make acknowledgment to you, O lord my God, with my entire heart; and I will glorify your name into the eon.

86:13For your mercy is great towards me; and you rescued my soul from out of lowermost Hades.

86:14O God, lawbreakers rose up against me, and a gathering of strong ones sought my life; and they did not set you before them.

86:15And you, O lord my God, are pitying and merciful, lenient and full of mercy, and true.

86:16Look upon me, and show mercy on me! Give your might to your child, and deliver the son of your maidservant!

86:17Establish with me a sign for good, and let the ones detesting me see, and be ashamed! For you, O lord, helped me, and comforted me.