The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Psalms 11

For the director; a psalm to David.

11:1Upon the lord I have yielded. How shall you say to my soul, Migrate unto the mountains as a sparrow?

11:2For behold, the sinners stretch tight the bow; they prepare arrows for the quiver, to shoot in moonlight the straight in heart.

11:3That which you readied, they demolished; but the just, what did they do?

11:4The lord is in his holy temple; the lord is in heaven his throne; his eyes pay attention unto the needy; his eyelids inquire diligently of the sons of men.

11:5The lord inquires diligently to the just and the impious; but the one loving injustice detests his own soul.

11:6He shall rain snares upon sinners; fire and sulphur and a gale wind shall be the portion of their cup.

11:7For the lord is just, and he loves righteousness; his face perceived straightness.