The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Joshua 6

6:1And Jericho was closed up, and fortified from before the sons of Israel. And no one went forth from out of it, and neither entered.

6:2And the lord said to Joshua, Behold, I deliver up to you Jericho to you under your hand, and its king, the one in it, and the mighty ones in strength.

6:3And let all men of war circle the city round about the city! Once thus they shall do for six days.

6:4And seven priests shall take seven horns of the ram before the ark. And on the seventh day circle the city seven times! and the priests shall trump the horns.

6:5And it will be as whenever you should sound the trumpet of the ram, in your hearing the sound of the horn, let all the people shout aloud! And with their shouting aloud the walls of the city shall fall by themselves underneath them, and all the people shall enter, each advancing in front into the city.

6:6And Joshua the son of Nun entered to the priests, and he said to them, You take the ark of the covenant! and seven priests shall take seven horns of the ram, according to the front of the ark of the lord.

6:7And he said to them, saying, Exhort the people to go around and circle the city, and let the ones for combat come near! arming themselves before the ark of the lord.

6:8And it came to pass as Joshua spoke to the people, that the seven priests having seven consecrated trumpets also went by likewise before the lord, and they passed and signified intensely. And the ark of the covenant of the lord followed after them.

6:9And the ones for combat came near in front. And the priests trumpeting the horns, and the rest of the multitude all together after the ark of the covenant of the lord, were going and trumpeting with the horns.

6:10And to the people Joshua gave charge, saying, Do not yell nor let any one hear your voice! There shall not go through from your mouth a word until whenever he himself declares the day to yell out, and you shall yell out then.

6:11And the ark of the covenant of God having gone around the city round about, immediately they went forth into the camp, and spent the night there.

6:12And on the second day Joshua rose up in the morning, and the priests lifted the ark of the lord.

6:13And the seven priests, the ones bringing the seven consecrated trumpets before the ark the lord went forth, and the priests trumping the trumpets, and after these, there entered the ones for combat, and the remaining multitude all together were behind the ark of the covenant of the lord, going and trumping with the horns.

6:14And they encircled the city on the second day, once near to it; and they went forth again into the camp. So it was done for six days.

6:15And it came to pass on the seventh day the expedition rose up at dawn and went around the city according to this practice seven times, only on that day they circled the city seven times.

6:16And it came to pass in the seventh circuit the priests trumped with trumpets, and Joshua said to the sons of Israel, Cry out, for the lord delivered up the city to you!

6:17And the city will be an offering for consumption, it and all as much as is in it, to the lord of the forces. Except Rahab the harlot -- protect her, and all as much as is of hers in the house! for she hid the messengers whom we sent.

6:18But you guard from the offering for consumption! lest at any time pondering, you should take of the offering for consumption, and should make the camp of the sons of Israel an offering for consumption, and he should obliterate us.

6:19And all silver or gold, and all brass and iron, will be holy to the lord; it shall be carried into the treasury of the lord.

6:20And the people shouted, and the priests trumped the trumpets. And as the people heard the sound of the trumpets, all the people shouted a great and strong shout. And the wall fell round about; and the people ascended into the city, each at his opposite, and overtook the city.

6:21And they devoted it to consumption, and as much as was in the city, from man and unto woman, from young and unto old, and unto calf and sheep and beast of burden, by the mouth of the broadsword.

6:22And to the two young men spying out the land, Joshua said, You enter into the house of the woman, the harlot, and lead her from there, and all as much as is with her, as you swore by an oath to her!

6:23And the two young men entered, the ones spying out the city, into the house of the woman; and they led out Rahab the harlot, and her father, and her mother, and her brothers, and all as much as was to her, and her kin. And they placed her outside the camp of Israel.

6:24And the city was burned by fire with all the things in it. Except silver and gold and all brass and iron they yielded up unto the treasury to be carried in.

6:25And Rahab the harlot, and all the house of her father, and all the things of hers, Joshua took alive. And she dwelt in Israel until the day today, because she hid the ones spying which Joshua sent to spy out Jericho.

6:26And Joshua bound them by an oath in that day, saying, Accursed is the man who before the lord, who shall raise up or shall build that city Jericho; with his first-born he will lay the foundation for it, and with the least of his he shall set the gates of it.

6:27And the lord was with Joshua, and his name was in all the land.