The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Joshua 7

7:1And the sons of Israel trespassed a trespass, and pilfered from the offering for consumption. And Achan took (son of Carmi, son of Zabdi, son of Zerah, from the tribe of Judah) from the offering for consumption. And the anger of the lord was enraged with the sons of Israel.

7:2And Joshua sent men from Jericho unto Ai, which is by Beth-aven, according to the east of Beth-el. And he spoke to to them, saying, In ascending, survey the land! And the men ascended and surveyed Ai.

7:3And they returned to Joshua, and said to him, Do not let all the people ascend, but about two thousand or three thousand men, let them ascend! And let them capture the city! You should not lead there all the people, for they are few.

7:4And ascended from the people there about three thousand men. And they fled from the face of the men of Ai.

7:5And the men of Ai killed of them about thirty-six men, and they pursued them from the gate until they defeated them. And they struck them by the incline. And the heart of the people was terrified, and it became as water.

7:6And Joshua tore his garments, and fell upon his face upon the earth before the ark of the lord until evening, he and the elders of Israel. And they put dust upon their heads.

7:7And Joshua said, I beseech, O Lord, O lord, why in causing to pass over was your servant caused to pass over this people the Jordan, to deliver it to the Amorite to destroy us? And if we stayed and were settled by the Jordan, what is it to me, O lord.

7:8And what shall I say when Israel turned the back of the neck before its enemy?

7:9And hearing, the Canaanite and all the ones dwelling in the land shall surround us, and shall obliterate us from the land. And what will you do for your great name?

7:10And the lord said to Joshua, Rise up! Why do you do this -- fall upon your face?

7:11The people have sinned, and violated my covenant which I ordained with it. For even they took from the offering for consumption, and stealing they lie, and they cast the items for themselves.

7:12And the sons of Israel in no way will be able to stand in front of its enemies. They shall turn the back of the neck before their enemies, for they were become an offering for consumption. I will not add any longer to be with you, if you should not lift away the offering for consumption from among you of them.

7:13In rising up, purify the people, and tell them to be sanctified for tomorrow! For thus says the lord God of Israel, The offering devoted for consumption is among you, O Israel; you shall not be able to withstand before your enemies, until whenever you should lift away the offering for consumption from you.

7:14And you shall gather all in the morning according to your tribes. And it will be to the tribe which ever the lord shows, and you shall lead forward according to peoples. And the people which ever the lord shows you shall lead forward according to house. And the house which ever the lord shows, by man you shall lead forward.

7:15And who ever should be pointed out in the offering for consumption, he shall be burnt by the fire himself, and all as much as is his; for he violated the covenant of the lord, and that he committed a violation of the law in Israel.

7:16And Joshua rose early in the morning, and he led the people forward by its tribe. And the tribe of Judah was made manifest.

7:17And the Zarhite people were made manifest. And he led forward the Zarhite people according to man, and Zabdi was made manifest.

7:18And he led forward his house by man, and was made manifest Achan son of Carmi, son of Zabdi, son of Zerah of the tribe of Judah.

7:19And Joshua said to Achan, O my son, today give indeed glory to the lord God of Israel, and make to him the acknowledgment, and announce to me what you did! and you should not hide it from me.

7:20And Achan answered to Joshua, and said, Truly I sinned before the lord God of Israel, so and so I have done.

7:21I beheld in the spoils standing bare one goodly colored robe, and two hundred double-drachmas of silver, and one wedge of gold -- fifty double-drachmas its scale weight. And I coveted them, and I took. And behold, these are hid in the ground in my tent, and the silver is hid underneath them.

7:22And Joshua sent messengers, and they ran to the tent in the camp; and these were being hid in his tent, and the silver underneath them.

7:23And they brought them from the tent, and brought them to Joshua, and to all elders of Israel. And they put them before the lord.

7:24And Joshua took Achan son of Zerah, and the silver, and the robe, and the gold wedge, and his sons, and his daughters, and his calves, and his beasts of burden, and his sheep, and his tent, and all his possessions, and all Israel with him. And they led them into Emek Achor.

7:25And Joshua said, Why did you annihilate us for the lord to utterly destroy you even today? And all Israel stoned him with stones, and they burned them in fire, and they stoned them with stones.

7:26And they set over him a heap of great stones until this day. And the lord ceased the rage of anger. Therefore this is the name of it -- Emek Achor, unto this day.