The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Isaiah 31

31:1Woe to the ones going down into Egypt for help; the ones relying upon horses, and upon chariots, for they are many; and relying upon exceedingly many horses. And they did not hearken relying upon the holy one of Israel, and they did not seek God.

31:2And he wisely brought upon them bad things, and his word in no way shall be annulled. And he shall rise up against the houses of wicked men, and against their vain hope --

31:3an Egyptian man, and not God. Their horses are flesh and not help; but the lord shall bring his hand against them, and the ones helping shall tire, and together all will perish.

31:4For thus said the lord to me, In which manner whenever the lion or the cub should yell out over the game which he took, and shall cry out over it, until whenever the mountains should be filled up of his voice, and the prey are vanquished, and by the magnitude of rage they are scared; so the lord of Hosts shall go down to march upon mount Zion, upon her mountains.

31:5As birds flying, so shall the lord of Hosts shield above Jerusalem; and he shall rescue and shall protect and shall deliver.

31:6Turn! O ones consulting deep and lawless counsel, O sons of Israel.

31:7For in that day men shall totally reject the idols made by their hands -- the things made of silver, and the things of gold, which their hands made.

31:8And Assyria shall fall; not by the sword of man, nor shall the sword of man devour him; and he will not flee from in front of the sword; but the young men shall be for vanquishing;

31:9for as a rock, they shall be taken hold of as for a siege mound, and shall be vanquished; but the one fleeing shall be captured; thus says the lord, Blessed is the one who has a seed in Zion, and members of a family in Jerusalem.