The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Acts 28

28:1And having come through safe, then they knew that the island is called Malta.

28:2And the barbarians furnished no chance humane treatment to us; for having lit a bonfire, they took all of us unto themselves, because of the rain attending, and because of the chilliness.

28:3And Paul bundled up a multitude of sticks, and having placed them on the bonfire, a viper having gone completely through from the heat, clinched onto his hand.

28:4And when the barbarians beheld the beast hanging from his hand, they said to one another, Assuredly this man is a murderer, whom having been delivered from the sea, Dice allowed not to live.

28:5He indeed then, having brushed off the beast into the fire, suffered no hurt.

28:6And the ones expecting him to be about to become inflamed, or to fall down suddenly dead, and for a long time of their expecting and viewing nothing out of place was happening to him, changing their minds, they said him to be a god.

28:7And in the parts around that place existed a place belonging to the foremost man of the island, by name Publius, who having received us, three days obligingly lodged us.

28:8And it happened the father of Publius reclined constrained with fevers and dysentery; to whom Paul having entered, and having prayed, having placed the hands on him, healed him.

28:9This then having taken place, also the rest -- the ones having sicknesses in the island came forward, and were cured;

28:10the ones who also with much honor esteemed us, and embarking, placed the things for our need.

28:11And after three months we embarked in a boat, having passed the winter in the island, an Alexandrian marked by the ensign Dioscuri.

28:12And leading down unto Syracuse, we remained three days.

28:13From where having gone around we arrived at Rhegium. And after one day a south wind ensued; on the second day we came into Puteoli;

28:14where having found brethren we were appealed upon by them to remain seven days; and thus to Rome we came.

28:15And from there the brethren having heard the things concerning us, came forth to meet us as far as Appii Forum and Three Taverns; whom Paul seeing, having given thanks to God, he took courage.

28:16And when we came unto Rome, the centurion delivered up the prisoners to the commander of the camp. But to Paul was committed to remain by himself with the soldier guarding him.

28:17And it came to pass after three days Paul calling together the ones being foremost of the Jews, and they having come together, he said to them, Men, brethren, I having done nothing against the people or the paternal customs, was delivered up a prisoner from Jerusalem into the hands of the Romans.

28:18Who having questioned me, wanted to loose me, on account of the not one reason for death being in me.

28:19But the Jews disputing, I was compelled to call upon Caesar; not as having anything to accuse my nation.

28:20For this reason then I appealed to you, to see and to speak to you; for on account of the hope of Israel I am encompassed with this chain.

28:21And they said to him, We received neither letters concerning you from Judea, nor having come has any one of the brethren reported or spoke anything bad concerning you.

28:22But we deem it worthy to hear from you what you think; for indeed concerning this sect, it is known to us that everywhere it is spoken against.

28:23And arranging for him a day, there came to him many more unto his guest room; to whom he expounded testifying the kingdom of God, and persuading them the things concerning Jesus, from both the law of Moses and of the prophets, from morning until evening.

28:24And some indeed were persuaded to the things being said, and some disbelieved.

28:25And disharmony being with one another, they retired at Paul having spoken one discourse, that, Well the holy spirit spoke through Isaiah the prophet to our fathers,

28:26saying, Go to this people! and say, In hearing you shall hear, and in no way should you perceive; and seeing you shall see, and in no way should you know.

28:27For the heart of this people was thickened, and they heard heavily with the ears, and they closed the eyelids of their eyes; lest at any time they should see with the eyes, and should hear with the ears, and with the heart should perceive, and should turn, and I should heal them.

28:28Let it be known then to you! that to the nations the deliverance of God was sent, and they will hearken.

28:29And these things he having said, the Jews went forth having much debating among themselves.

28:30And Paul stayed a whole space of two years in his own hired house, and gladly received all the ones entering to him,

28:31proclaiming the kingdom of God, and teaching the things concerning the Lord Jesus Christ, with all confidence unrestrainedly.