The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Acts 27

27:1And when it was decided for us to sail away unto Italy, they delivered up both Paul and certain other prisoners to a centurion, by name Julius, of the cohort of Augustus.

27:2And having set foot in a boat of Adramyttium, being about to sail the places along Asia, we embarked; being with us Aristarchus a Macedonian of Thessalonica.

27:3And another day we led down unto Sidon. And Julius kindly treating Paul, permitted him going to his friends to attain care.

27:4And from there embarking, we sailed under Cyprus, because of the winds being adverse.

27:5And the open sea along Cilicia and Pamphylia having sailed, we went down unto Myra of Lycia.

27:6And there the centurion having found a boat of Alexandria sailing to Italy, he boarded us onto it.

27:7And in a fit amount of days sailing slowly, and hardly coming near Cnidus, the wind not allowing us further, we sailed under Crete, near Salmone.

27:8And hardly sailing along it, we came to a certain place being called, Good Harbors, near which was a city of Lasea.

27:9And a fit amount of time having elapsed, and being already a dangerous voyage, because also the fasting already went by, Paul earnestly advised,

27:10saying to them, Men, I contemplate that with damage and much loss, not only of the load of cargo and the boat, but also the voyage is about to be of our lives.

27:11But the centurion was persuaded by the navigator and the shipmaster rather than the things being said by Paul.

27:12And the existing harbor being unsuitable for wintering, the more they made counsel to embark from there, if by any means they might be able, arriving at Phoenix, to pass the winter, a harbor of Crete looking towards the southwest and towards the northwest.

27:13And blowing gently south, thinking the purpose to have been reached, having lifted off they sailed close by Crete.

27:14But not long after a stormy wind shot by it, being called Euroclydon.

27:15And the boat being seized with force, and not able to tack into the wind, giving up we bore off.

27:16And running under some small island being called Clauda, we were hardly able to take control of the skiff;

27:17which having taken up, they employed helps, undergirding the boat; and fearing lest into the Syrtis they should fall off, letting down the rigging, thus they were borne along.

27:18And vehemently with our being tossed by the storm, on the next day an expulsion of cargo was made;

27:19and the third day with our own hands we tossed out the rigging of the boat.

27:20And neither sun nor stars were appearing for many more days, and no small distress was pressed upon us, and all remaining hope was removed for us to be preserved.

27:21And a long lack of food existing, then Paul standing in their midst said, Indeed it behooved you, O men, having yielded obedience to me, to not have embarked from Crete, so as to gain this damage and the loss.

27:22And at present I earnestly advise you be cheerful! For not one life will be cast off of you, except the boat.

27:23For there stood beside me in this night an angel of God, of whom I am, and in whom I serve,

27:24saying, Fear not, Paul, Caesar you must stand before, and behold, God has granted to you all the ones sailing with you.

27:25Therefore be cheerful men! for I believe in God that so it will be in which manner it has been spoken to me.

27:26But onto a certain island we must fall.

27:27And when the fourteenth night came to pass, we being carried about in the Adriatic, towards the middle of the night the seamen suspected some region neared them.

27:28And having sounded, they found it twenty fathoms; and a short time having elapsed, and again having sounded, they found it fifteen fathoms.

27:29And fearing perhaps they should fall into rough places, they tossed four anchors from out of the stern, vowing day to come.

27:30And the seamen seeking to flee from the boat, and having let down the skiff into the sea, with an excuse as to be about to stretch out the anchors from the prow,

27:31Paul said to the centurion, and to the soldiers, If these do not stay in the boat, you will not be able to be preserved.

27:32Then the soldiers cut off the lines of the skiff, and allowed it to fall off.

27:33And until day was about to come, Paul appealed for all to share in nourishment, saying, Today is the fourteenth day you continue expecting without eating, having taken nothing to yourselves.

27:34Therefore I appeal to you to take nourishment, for this exists for your deliverance; for not one hair of yours shall fall from your head.

27:35And having said these things, and having taken bread, he gave thanks to God before all; and having broken he began to eat.

27:36And all having become cheerful, also they took nourishment.

27:37And we were in the boat, all two hundred seventy six souls.

27:38And being satisfied with nourishment, they lightened the boat, casting out the grain into the sea.

27:39And when it became day, they did not recognize the land; but they contemplated a certain bay having a shore, on which they consulted if they are able to thrust the boat.

27:40And having removed the anchors, they gave up unto the sea, together unfastening the tillers of the rudders; and having lifted up the mainsail to the blow, they held for the shore.

27:41And having fallen into a place between two seas, they ran the ship aground. And the prow having stuck, remained unshaken, but the stern was loose by the force of the waves.

27:42And the soldiers plan was that they should kill the prisoners, lest any swimming, should have escaped.

27:43But the centurion wanting to save Paul, restrained them of their will, and bid the ones able to swim, having thrown themselves off first, to exit unto the land;

27:44and the rest, some indeed upon planks and others upon some of the things from the boat. And so it came to pass all came through safe unto the land.