The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Isaiah 57

57:1Behold! how the just one perishes, and no one looks out for the heart; and just men are lifted away, and no one contemplates. For from the face of injustice the just one has been lifted away.

57:2His burial will be in peace, he has been lifted from out of the midst.

57:3But you lead forward here, O lawless sons, seed of adulterers, and of a harlot!

57:4In what have you reveled in? And against whom have you opened your mouth? And against whom have you slackened your tongue? Are you not children of destruction? a seed without honor?

57:5ones calling for aid upon the idols under bushy trees? slaying their children in the ravines between the rocks?

57:6That is your portion, this is your lot. To those you poured out libations, and to these you offered sacrifices; over these things then shall I not be provoked to anger?

57:7Upon the high and elevated mountain, there is your bed, and there you hauled to sacrifice your sacrifices.

57:8And behind the doorposts of your door you placed your memorials. Did you think that if you should separate from me you would have anything more. You loved the ones going to bed with you;

57:9and you multiplied your harlotry with them, and you made many of them far from you. And you sent ambassadors over your borders, and you were abased unto Hades.

57:10You tired in your many ways. and You said not, I shall cease growing in strength. For you practiced these things. On account of this you did not earnestly beseech of me.

57:11In venerating whom were you afraid of, that you lied against me, and did not remember me, nor took me into your consideration, nor into your heart? And I beholding you will overlook, yet you did not fear me.

57:12And I will report of your righteousness; and your evils shall not benefit you.

57:13Whenever you should yell out, then let them rescue you in your affliction! For all these things the wind shall take, and the gale shall carry away. But the ones holding on in me shall acquire the earth, and they shall inherit my holy mountain.

57:14And they shall say, Clear the ways from in front of him, and lift the impediments from the way of my people!

57:15Thus says the highest, the one in the highest, dwelling the eon. Holy in the holies; the name to him -- the lord; the one resting highest in the holies; and to the faint-hearted giving long-suffering, and giving life to the ones being broken in heart.

57:16I shall not punish you into the eon, nor shall I be provoked to anger with you always; for a spirit from me shall go forth, and I made all breath.

57:17On account of sin a little in anything I grieved him, and I struck him, and I turned my face from him; and I was grieved, and he went gloomy in his ways.

57:18I have seen his ways, and I healed him, and comforted him, and gave to him true comfort.

57:19Peace upon peace to the ones far off, and to the ones being near. And the lord said, I will heal them.

57:20But the unjust thus shall swell as waves, and will not be able to rest.

57:21There is no rejoicing to the impious, said God.