The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Isaiah 58

58:1Yell out in strength! and you should not spare. As a trumpet, raise up high your voice, and announce to my people their sins, and to the house of Jacob their lawless deeds!

58:2They seek me day by day, and they desire to know my ways, as a people executing righteousness, and not abandoning judgment of their God. They ask me now for a just judgment, and they desire to approach to God,

58:3saying, Why is it that we fasted, and you did not look? Why did we humble our souls, and you did not know? For in the days of your fasts you find the things of your wants, and all the ones under your hands you goad.

58:4You fast for litigations and fights, and you beat the humble with your fists. Why do you fast to me as you do today? is it for your voice to be heard in a cry?

58:5I did not choose this fast, nor a day for a man to humble his soul; nor even should you bend your neck as a hook, nor should you spread under you sackcloth and ashes, nor thus shall you call an acceptable fast.

58:6Did I not choose such a fast, says the lord. But untie every bond of injustice! Part violent perverseness of exchanges! Send out by a free release the ones having been devastated, and tear apart every unjust writ!

58:7Break your bread with ones hungering, and bring the homeless poor into your house! If you behold one naked, clothe him! And concerning the members of your family of your seed, you shall not disdain them.

58:8Then your light shall be torn through the morning, and the things for your cures quickly shall arise; and your righteousness shall go before in front of you, and the glory of God shall screen you.

58:9Then you shall yell, and the lord shall hearken to you. Yet while you are speaking he shall say, Behold, I am at hand. If you remove from yourself conspiracy, and stretching forth of the hands, and grumbling discourse;

58:10and should give to ones hungering the bread from your soul, and should fill up the soul being humble, then your light shall rise in the darkness, and your darkness shall be as midday.

58:11And your God will be with you always, and you shall be filled up just as your soul desires. And your bones shall be fattened, and will be as a saturated garden, and as a spring which water failed not.

58:12And the everlasting desolate places shall be built to you, and your everlasting foundations will be in generations of generations; and you shall be called a builder of barriers. And the stones, the ones between your roads shall cease.

58:13If you should turn your foot from the Sabbaths, so as to not do your wants on the holy day, and shall call the Sabbaths delightful, holy to your God; if you shall not lift your foot to work, nor shall you speak a word in anger from out of your mouth,

58:14then shall you be relying upon the lord, and he will bring the good things upon your land, and he will feed you the inheritance of Jacob your father. For the mouth of the lord spoke these things.