The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Daniel 12

12:1And in that time shall rise up Michael the great ruler, the one standing for the sons of your people. And it will be a time of affliction such as has not taken place from of which time there became a nation on the earth, until that time. And in that time your people shall be delivered, every one found being written in the book.

12:2And many of the ones sleeping in an embankment of earth shall awaken, these unto eternal life, and these others unto scorning, and for eternal shame.

12:3And the ones perceiving shall shine forth as the brightness of the firmament; and of the many righteous as the stars into the eons and still.

12:4And you Daniel obstruct the words, and set a seal upon the scroll until the time of completion! until many should be taught, and the knowledge be multiplied.

12:5And I beheld, I Daniel, and behold, two others stood, one here on this bank of the river, and one here on the other bank of the river.

12:6And they said to the man being clothed with the linen clothes, who was upon the water of the river, Until when will be the end of which you have spoken of the wonders?

12:7And I heard the man, of the one being clothed with the linen clothes, who was upon the water of the river. And he raised up high his right hand, and his left unto the heaven. And he swore an oath to the one living into the eon, that for a time and times and half a time, in the completing the dispersing hand of people having been sanctified, they shall know all these things.

12:8And I heard, and I perceived not. And I said, O lord, what of these last things?

12:9And he said, Go Daniel! for the words are obstructed and sealed until end time.

12:10Many shall be chosen and whitened and purified by fire and sanctified. And the lawless ones shall act lawlessly, and all the lawless ones shall not perceive, but the intelligent shall perceive.

12:11And from the time of the alteration of the perpetual sacrifice, and the putting of the abomination of desolation -- a thousand two hundred ninety days.

12:12Blessed is the one enduring and coming into a thousand three hundred thirty-five days.

12:13And you, go, for satisfying completion. And you shall rest, and shall rise up at your lot at the completion of days.