The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Acts 16

16:1And he arrived at Derbe and Lystra. And behold, a certain disciple was there, by name Timothy, son of a certain believing Jewish woman, but the father was a Greek,

16:2who was borne witness to by the brethren in Lystra and Iconium.

16:3Paul wanted this one to go forth with him. And having taken, he circumcised him on account of the Jews, of the ones being in those places, for they all knew his father, that he was a Greek.

16:4And as they traveled the cities, they delivered up to them the decrees being adjudged to keep written by the apostles and the elders in Jerusalem.

16:5Then indeed the assemblies were solidified in the belief, and abounded in number by day.

16:6And having gone through the Phrygian, and the Galatian region, they were restrained by the holy spirit to speak the word in Asia.

16:7Having come down to Mysia, they attempted to go towards Bithynia; and the spirit did not allow them.

16:8And going by Mysia, they went down unto Troas.

16:9And a vision by the night appeared to Paul; a certain man of Macedonia was standing, appealing to him, and saying, Having passed over into Macedonia, help us!

16:10And as he beheld the vision, immediately we sought to go forth into Macedonia, being instructed that the Lord called on us to announce good news to them.

16:11Having embarked then from Troas, we ran direct unto Samothrace, and the following day to Neapolis;

16:12and from there to Philippi, which is a foremost city of the portion of Macedonia, a colony. And we were in this city spending time some days.

16:13And on the day of the Sabbaths we went forth outside the city by a river, of which we thought prayer to be. And having sat down we spoke to the women having gathered together.

16:14And a certain woman, by name Lydia, a seller of purple of the city of Thyatira, who worshiped God, was listening; of whom the Lord opened wide her heart to take heed to the things being spoken by Paul.

16:15And as she was being immersed, and her house, she appealed, saying, If you adjudge me to be trustworthy to the Lord, having entered into my house, abide! And she pressured us.

16:16And it came to pass of our going unto prayer, a certain maidservant having a spirit of python met us, which furnished much work to her masters divining oracles.

16:17She having followed closely after Paul and us, cried out saying, These men are servants of God the highest, who shall announce to us the way of deliverance.

16:18And this she did for many days. And Paul being worked up, and having turned, said to the spirit, I summon to you in the name of Jesus Christ, to come forth from her. And it came forth the same hour.

16:19And her masters seeing that went forth the hope of their work, having taken hold of Paul and Silas, drew them into the market unto the rulers.

16:20And leading them forward to the commandants, they said, These men disturb our city, being Jews,

16:21and they announce customs which are not allowed for us to welcome, nor to do, being Romans.

16:22And rose up together the multitude against them. And the commandants having torn off their garments, bid to beat them with a rod.

16:23And having placed upon them many strokes, they threw them into prison, exhorting the jailer to keep them safely;

16:24who having received such exhortation, cast them in the inner prison, and safeguarded their feet in the wood stocks.

16:25And towards midnight, Paul and Silas were praying, singing praise to God; and the prisoners heeded them.

16:26And suddenly a great earthquake took place, so as to shake the foundations of the jail. And immediately all the doors were opened, and all the bonds were unfastened.

16:27And the jailer being awakened out of sleep, and beholding the doors of the prison being open, unsheathed his sword, being about to do away with himself, thinking the prisoners to have fled.

16:28And Paul spoke out with a great voice, saying, You should not exact hurt on yourself, for we are all together here.

16:29And asking for lights, he rushed in, and being trembling, he fell before Paul and Silas.

16:30And having led them outside, he said, Masters, what is necessary for me to do that I should be delivered?

16:31And they said, Believe upon the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be delivered, you and your house.

16:32And they spoke to him the word of the Lord, and to all the ones in his house.

16:33And having taken them in that hour of the night, he bathed them from the strokes; and he and all his family was immersed, immediately.

16:34And having led them into his house, he placed a table, and exulted with his whole family, having believed in God.

16:35And day having come the commandants of the lictors sent, saying, Release those men!

16:36And the jailer reported these words to Paul, that, The commandants have sent that you be released. Now then having gone forth, go in peace!

16:37But Paul said to them, Having flayed us in public, uncondemned men, being Romans, they cast us into prison, and now in private they cast us out? No indeed, but having come themselves let them lead us out!

16:38And the lictors announced to the commandants these words; and they feared, having heard that they are Romans.

16:39And having come, they appealed to them; and having led them out, they asked them to go forth out of the city.

16:40And having gone forth from out of the prison, they entered to Lydia; and having seen the brethren, they comforted them, and they went forth.