The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Isaiah 7

7:1And it came to pass in the days of Ahaz son of Jotham, the son of Uzziah king of Judah, ascended Rezin king of Aram, and Pekah son of Remaliah, king of Israel, against Jerusalem to wage war with it, and they were not able to assault it.

7:2And it was announced in the house of David, saying, Aram joined in harmony to Ephraim. And it startled his soul, and the soul of his people, in which manner a tree in a grove is shaken by a wind.

7:3And the lord said to Isaiah, Go forth to meet with Ahaz, you and the one being left behind, Jasub your son, to the upper pool by way of the field of the fuller.

7:4And you shall say to him, Guard to be still, and do not fear! nor your soul be weak from the two trees of these smoking firebrands,; for whenever the anger of my rage takes place, again I will heal.

7:5And as far as the son of Aram, and the son of Remaliah, that they consulted wicked counsel, saying,

7:6We shall ascend unto Judea, and conversing together with them, we shall turn them to us, and we will give to reign over them the son of Tabeal.

7:7Thus says the lord of Hosts, In no way should this counsel abide, nor will it be so.

7:8But the head of Aram is Damascus, and the head of Damascus is Rezin; but yet sixty and five years the kingdom of Ephraim will fail from the people.

7:9And the head of Ephraim, is Samaria, and the head of Samaria is the son of Remaliah. And if you should not trust, neither should you perceive.

7:10And the lord proceeded to speak to Ahaz, saying,

7:11Ask for yourself a sign by the lord your God, in the depth, or in the height.

7:12And Ahaz said, In no way shall I ask, nor shall I test the lord.

7:13And he said, Hear indeed, O house of David! Is it a small thing to you to furnish a struggle to men, then how do you furnish a struggle to the lord?

7:14On account of this, the lord himself will give to you a sign; behold, the virgin will conceive in the womb, and shall bear a son, and you shall call his name Immanuel.

7:15Butter and honey he shall eat, before he knows to prefer wicked or to choose the good.

7:16For before the male child knows good or evil, in resisting persuasion of wickedness he chooses the good. And the land shall be abandoned which you fear of in front of the two kings.

7:17But God shall bring upon you, and upon your people, and upon the house of your father, days which have not yet come from which day Ephraim removed from Judah the king of the Assyrians.

7:18And it will be in that day, the lord will whistle for the flies which shall dominate part of the river of Egypt, and for the bee which is in the place of the Assyrians.

7:19And they shall come, and they shall all rest in the ravines of the place, and in the burrows of the rocks, and into the caves, and into every breach, and in every tree.

7:20In that day the lord shall shave with the razor the head of the king of the Assyrians having been intoxicated from the other side of the river, even the hairs of the feet, and he will remove the beard.

7:21And it will be in that day, a man shall maintain a heifer of the oxen, and two sheep.

7:22And it will be from the much drinking of milk every one being left behind upon the land shall eat butter and honey.

7:23And it will be in that day that every place where ever might be a thousand grapevines worth a thousand shekels, they shall be uncultivated and for the thorn-bush.

7:24With arrow and bow they shall enter there; for it is an uncultivated land, and the thorn-bush will be in all the land.

7:25And every mountain being plowed shall be plowed; in no way shall fear come upon there; for it will be from the uncultivated land and thorn-bush a land for pastured sheep and for trampling of the ox.