The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Isaiah 8

8:1And the lord said to me, Take to yourself a great new roll of papyrus, and write on it with the pen of a man concerning the swiftly made plunder of spoils, for it is at hand!

8:2And appoint witnesses for me of trustworthy men -- Uriah the priest, and Zachariah son of Barachiah.

8:3And I drew near to the prophetess; and she conceived in the womb, and gave birth to a son. And the lord said to me, Call his name, Quickly Despoil, Swiftly Plunder.

8:4Because before the child knows to call his father or mother, one shall take t he power of Damascus, and the spoils of Samaria before the king of the Assyrians.

8:5And the lord proceeded to speak to me again, saying,

8:6Because this people want not the water of Shiloah going tranquilly, but want to have Rezin and the son of Remaliah king over them, therefore this --

8:7behold, the lord leads against you the strong and abundant water of the river, the king of the Assyrians, and his glory. And he shall ascend upon all your ravine, and shall walk upon all your wall.

8:8And he shall remove from Judea a man who shall be able to lift his head or able to complete anything; and his camp will be so as to fill the width of your place; God be with us.

8:9Know, O nations, and be vanquished! Take heed until the latter end of the earth! Being strong be vanquished! For if again you should be strong, again you shall be vanquished.

8:10And whom ever you should consult counsel, the lord shall efface it; and what ever word you should speak, in no way should it adhere to you; for God is with us.

8:11Thus says the lord, With the strong hand they resist persuasion in the going of the way of this people, saying,

8:12Lest at any time you should say, It is hard. For all what ever this people should say is hard. But the fear of him in no way should you be fearful, nor should you be disturbed.

8:13The lord of the forces -- sanctify him! and he will be your fear.

8:14You should be yielding even upon him, he will be to you for a sanctuary; and not as a stone of stumbling for you to meet up with, nor as a rock downfall; but the houses of Jacob are in a snare, and in a hollow lying in wait in Jerusalem.

8:15On account of this many shall be powerless among them, and shall fall, and shall be broken; and they shall approach, and men shall be captured being in safety.

8:16Then the ones setting a seal upon themselves to not learn the law will be apparent.

8:17And one shall say, I shall wait for God, the one turning his face from the house of Jacob, and I will be yielding upon him.

8:18Behold, I and the children which God gave to me, even they will be for signs and miracles in the house of Israel by the lord of Hosts who dwells on mount Zion.

8:19And if they should say to you, Seek the ones who deliver oracles, and the ones from the earth speaking out loud, and the empty words which they speak out loud from the belly; shall not a nation inquire to its God? Why do they inquire concerning the living of the ones dead?

8:20For he gave the law for a help, that they should speak not as this saying, concerning of which there are no gifts to give for it.

8:21And shall come upon us harshly a famine; and it will be as whenever you should hunger, you shall be fretting, and you shall speak wickedly of the ruler and the fathers; and they shall look up into the heaven upward,

8:22and they shall look to the earth below, and behold, darkness, affliction and straits, and darkness so as to not see unto a time.