The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Ezekiel 41

41:1And he brought me into the temple, and he measured the columned porch -- six cubits the breadth of the columned porch on this side, and the width six cubits on that side -- the breadth of the tent.

41:2And the breadth of the gatehouse -- ten cubits; and the side-pieces of the gatehouse -- five cubits on this side and five cubits on that side; and he measured its length -- forty cubits, and the breadth -- twenty cubits.

41:3And he entered into the inner courtyard, and he measured the portal of the doorway -- two cubits; and the doorway -- six cubits; and the side-pieces of the doorway -- seven cubits on this side.

41:4And he measured the length of the gates -- twenty cubits, and the breadth -- twenty cubits in front of the temple. And he said to me, This is the holy of the holies.

41:5And he measured the wall of the house -- six cubits; and the breadth of the side -- four cubits round about.

41:6And the sides, side by side -- thirty and of threes; and a space in the wall of the house at the sides round about, to be for the ones taking hold to see, so as to thoroughly not touch the walls of the house.

41:7And the breadth of the higher of the sides was according to the appendage protruding out of the wall, to the higher one round about the house, so as to flatten out wider above; so that from out of the parts below they should ascend unto the upper rooms, and from out of the middles unto the third stories.

41:8And the thraels of the house height round about was a space of the sides equal to the reed of six cubits intervals.

41:9And the breadth of the wall of the side from outside -- five cubits; and the spaces left over between the sides of the house.

41:10And between the inner chambers a breadth of twenty cubits, the circumference of the house round about.

41:11And the doors of the inner chambers were unto the space left over of the one door of the one towards the north, and the one door towards the south; and the breadth of the place left over -- five cubits width round about.

41:12And the separate space in front of the left over space of the place towards the west -- seventy cubits width of the wall of the separating; and five cubits the breadth round about, and its length -- ninety cubits.

41:13And he measured over against the house -- a hundred cubits length, and the spaces left over, and the places separating, and its walls -- a hundred cubits length.

41:14And the breadth in front of the temple, and the spaces left over opposite -- a hundred cubits.

41:15And he measured the length of the place separating in front of the spaces left over of the spaces from behind that house; and the spaces left over on this side and that side -- a hundred cubits length; and the temple, and the corners, and the columned outer porch were decorated with fretwork.

41:16And the windows were latticed narrow openings round about to the three stories, so as to look through; and the house and the places near were boarded round about, even from the floor unto the windows; and the windows unfolded thrice for looking through.

41:17And unto the inner house and the outer, and upon the entire wall round about the inside and the outside,

41:18were carved cherubim, and palms between cherub and cherub, two faces to the cherub.

41:19The face of a man towards the palm on this side, and the face of a lion towards the palm that side -- all the house was carved round about.

41:20From the floor unto fretwork, cherubim and palms having been carved.

41:21And the holy place, and the temple, unfolded four-cornered. In front of the holy places was the vision as the appearance

41:22of a wooden altar, three cubits was its height, and two cubits the length, and the breadth -- two cubits; and it had horns, and its base and its walls were wooden. And he said to me, This is the table before the face of the lord.

41:23And there were two doorways to the temple; and to the holy place two doorways to the two doorways to the turnings;

41:24two doorways to the one, and two doorways to the second door.

41:25And a carving was upon them, and upon the doorways of the temple -- cherubim and palms according to the carving of the holy places; and there were seasoned timbers in front of the columned porch outside.

41:26And there were hidden windows; and he measured on this side and that side unto the roofing of the columned porch; and the sides of the house were joined together.