The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Job 36

36:1And proceeding still, Elihu says,

36:2Wait for me a little more! that I shall teach you. For there is still speech in me.

36:3Having taken up my higher knowledge from afar, and to works of mine,

36:4I will speak righteous things in truth, and you shall not unjustly perceive unjust words.

36:5But know! that the lord in no way shall undo the guileless man; the mighty in strength of heart.

36:6The impious in no way will he restore to life; and he shall impute equity for the poor.

36:7He will not remove his eyes from the righteous, and they shall be with kings on a throne; he shall seat them into victory, and they shall be exalted.

36:8And the ones being shackled in manacles shall be held together by rough cords of poverty.

36:9And he shall announce to them their works, and their transgressions, for they are prevalent.

36:10But he will listen to the righteous; and he spoke that they shall turn from unrighteousness.

36:11If they shall hear and serve, they shall complete their days among good things, and their years among beautiful things.

36:12But the impious are not preserved -- by their not willing to behold the lord, and because being admonished they were unhearing.

36:13And hypocrites in heart shall order rage; they shall not yell, for he bound them.

36:14Therefore may their soul die in youth, and their life being pierced by messengers,

36:15because they afflicted the weak and disabled; and he will expound judgment for the gentle.

36:16And from when he beguiled from out of the mouth of the enemy, an abyss for throwing down underneath it, that your table went down full of fatness.

36:17but judgment shall not fail from the righteous;

36:18and rage will be upon the impious, because of the impiety of bribes which they received for iniquities.

36:19Let not the mind willingly turn you aside of the supplication of the ones being disabled in necessity! And all the ones fortifying strength.

36:20You shall not drag away by night, so that others should ascend instead of them.

36:21But guard lest you act out of place! for of these things you took up because of poorness.

36:22Behold, the strong one shall conquer by his strength, for who is as he -- the mighty one.

36:23And who is the one examining his works? or who is the one having said, He acted unjustly.

36:24Remember that his works are great, which men command!

36:25Every man beholds in himself how many mortals are being pierced.

36:26Behold, the strong one is great, and we shall not know him; and the number of his years are unlimited.

36:27And the drops of rain shall be counted by him, and shall they be poured for rain in the cloud.

36:28Things grown old shall flow, and clouds shadow over untold mortals.

36:29And should one have perceived the spreading out of the clouds, as equal of his tent?

36:30Behold, he stretches out light upon it, and he covers the root of the sea.

36:31For in them he shall judge peoples; he shall give nourishment to the one being strong.

36:32With the hands he covers light, and he gave charge concerning it with the encountering clouds.

36:33He will announce his friend concerning him -- for possession and for injustice.