The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Proverbs 22

22:1A good name is more preferred than many riches; and good favor over silver and gold.

22:2Rich and poor meet with one another; but the lord made both.

22:3A clever man seeing the wicked forcefully being punished is himself corrected; but the fools passing by are penalized.

22:4The fear of the lord is the generation of wisdom, and riches, and glory, and life.

22:5Thistles and snares are in crooked ways; but the one guarding his own soul is at a distance from them.

22:6Dedicate the child according to his way; and indeed if he should grow old, he will not depart from it.

22:7The rich shall control the poor, and servants will lend to their own masters.

22:8The one sowing heedlessly harvests bad things; and the calamity of his works he shall complete. A happy man and a giver God loves; and the folly of his works he shall end.

22:9The one showing mercy on the poor nourishes himself; for of his own bread loaves he gives to the poor. The one giving gifts procures victory and honor; however it removes the life of the ones possessing.

22:10Cast out from the sanhedrin the mischievous one! and altercation shall go out together with him. For whenever he sits in the sanhedrin he dishonors all.

22:11The lord loves sacred hearts; and all unblemished ones are acceptable to him in their ways. A king tends with his lips.

22:12But the eyes of the lord carefully keep good sense; but he treats as worthless the words of a lawbreaker.

22:13The lazy one makes an excuse and says, There is a lion in the streets, and in the squares are murderers.

22:14The mouth of a lawbreaker is a deep cesspool; and the one being detested by the lord shall fall into it.

22:15Thoughtlessness lights up the heart of a young person; but the rod and instruction will drive it far from him.

22:16The one extorting the needy produces many evils for himself; and he gives to the rich to make it less.

22:17Set aside your ear to the words of the wise, and hear my words! and set your heart that you should know!

22:18for they are good, and if you put them in your heart, they shall gladden you at the same time upon your lips;

22:19that your hope should be upon the lord, and he shall make known to you his way;

22:20but also you register them to yourself, even thrice for counsel and knowledge!

22:21I teach you then a true word, and knowledge good to hearken to; for you to answer words of truth to the ones propounding things to you.

22:22Do not repel the needy! for he is poor. And you shall not dishonor the weak at the gates;

22:23for the lord will arbitrate his cause, and you shall rescue your soul against reprisal.

22:24Be not a companion to a man inclined to rage! and a friend prone to anger do not lodge with!

22:25lest at any time you should learn of his ways, and should receive nooses for your soul.

22:26Do not give yourself for surety! shaming the face,

22:27for if you should not have from any place to pay, they shall take the bedding under your sides.

22:28Do not remove the everlasting boundaries! which your fathers set.

22:29An observant man, and one sharp in his works must stand beside kings, and should not stand beside dull men.