The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Psalms 139

To the director; a psalm to David.

139:1O lord, you tried me, and knew me.

139:2You knew my sitting down and my rising up; you perceived my thoughts from far off.

139:3My path and my bent rush grass you traced; and all my ways you looked out ahead.

139:4For there is no deceit in my tongue. Behold, O lord, you knew all things;

139:5the last and the former. You shaped me and put your hand upon me.

139:6The knowledge of you causes wonder in me; it was strengthened; in no way should I be able to attain it.

139:7Where should I go from your spirit? And from your presence where should I flee?

139:8If I should ascend into the heaven, you are there; if I should go down into Hades, you are at hand.

139:9If I may take up my wings at dawn, and I should encamp unto the ends of the sea,

139:10even there your hand shall guide me, and your right hand shall hold me.

139:11And I said, Surely darkness shall trample me; even the night was illumination for my luxury;

139:12for darkness will not be made darkness with you; and night as day shall be given light; as its darkness, so also its light.

139:13For you acquired of my kidneys; you took hold of me from out of the womb of my mother.

139:14I will make acknowledgment to you, for fearfully you caused wonder; the wonders of your works; and my soul knows exceedingly.

139:15My bones were not hidden from you, which you made in secret; and my essence in the lowermost parts of the earth.

139:16Your eyes saw my unfinished state; and on your scroll all men shall be written. Days were shaped, and no one among them.

139:17But your friends exceedingly were esteemed by me, O God, their beginnings were exceedingly strengthened.

139:18I shall count them out, and above the sand they shall be multiplied; I awake, and still I am with you.

139:19O that you should kill sinners, O God. O men of blood, turn aside from me!

139:20For you will say concerning their thoughts, that they shall take your cities in folly.

139:21Is it not the ones detesting you, O lord, that I detested? and against your enemies I wasted?

139:22In perfect hatred I detested them; they became as enemies to me.

139:23Try me, O God, and know my heart! Examine me, and know my paths!

139:24and see if the way of lawlessness is in me, and guide me in the eternal way!