The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Psalms 138

A psalm to of David; of Haggai and Zachariah.

138:1I will confess to you, O lord, with my whole heart; and before angels I will strum to you, for you heard all the sayings of my mouth.

138:2I shall do obeisance towards your holy temple, and I shall make acknowledgment to your name concerning your mercy and your truth; for you magnified your holy name above all.

138:3In what ever day I should call upon you, quickly heed me! You shall take great care of me in my soul by your power.

138:4Let them make acknowledgment to you, O lord, even all the kings of the earth! for they heard all the sayings of your mouth.

138:5And let them sing in the ways of the lord, for great is the glory of the lord!

138:6For high is the lord, and he watches over the humble, and the high things he knows from afar off.

138:7If I should go in the midst of affliction, he shall enliven me. You stretched out your hands against the anger of my enemies, and your right hand delivered me.

138:8The lord shall recompense for me. O lord, your mercy is into the eon. The works of your hands you should not ignore.