The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Deuteronomy 9

9:1Hear, O Israel! You pass over today the Jordan to enter to inherit great and stronger nations than you; great and walled cities unto the heaven;

9:2a people great and populous and tall -- sons of Anak whom you know, and you have heard said, Who can withstand against the face of the sons of Anak?

9:3And you shall know today that the lord your God, he shall go forth before your face. He is a consuming fire. He shall utterly destroy them, and he shall turn them away before your presence. And he shall utterly destroy them, and he will destroy them quickly, just as the lord said to you.

9:4You should not say in your heart by the complete consuming by the lord your God of these nations before your face, saying, Because of my righteousness the lord brought me to inherit this good land. But on account of the impiety of these nations the lord will utterly destroy them before your face.

9:5Not because of your righteousness, nor because of the sacredness of your heart do you enter to inherit their land. But because of the impiety of these nations the lord shall utterly destroy them from your presence, and that he should establish the covenant which the lord swore by an oath to your fathers -- to Abraham, and to Isaac, and to Jacob.

9:6And you shall know today that not through your works of righteousness the lord your God gives to you this good land to inherit; for you are a hard-necked people.

9:7Remember! you should not forget as much as you provoked the lord your God in the wilderness, from which day you came forth from the land of Egypt, until you came into this place, for by resisting persuasion you completed the things against the lord.

9:8And in Horeb you provoked the lord, and the lord was enraged with you to utterly destroy you.

9:9Of my ascending into the mountain to take the tablets of stone, tablets of covenant of which the lord ordained for you. And I was occupied in the mountain forty days and forty nights. I did not eat bread, and water I did not drink.

9:10And the lord gave to me the two tablets of stone, being written by the finger of God. And upon them he had written all the words, the ones which the lord spoke to you in the mountain, from amidst the fire, in the day of assembly.

9:11And it came to pass through forty days and through forty nights, the lord gave to me the two tablets of stone -- tablets of covenant.

9:12And the lord said to me, Arise, go down quickly from here! for your people acted lawlessly, of whom you led out of the land of Egypt. They violated quickly from the way of which you gave charge to them; they made to themselves a molten casting.

9:13And the lord said to me, saying, I have spoken to you once and twice, saying, I have seen this people; and, behold, it is a hard-necked people.

9:14Allow me! to utterly destroy them, and I will wipe away their name from beneath the heaven. And I will make you into a great and strong nation, and more numerous rather than this one.

9:15And turning, I went down from the mountain, and the mountain burned fire. And the two tablets of the covenant were in my two hands.

9:16And seeing that you sinned before the lord your God, and made to yourselves a calf molten image, and transgressed quickly from the way which the lord gave charge to you;

9:17that taking hold of the two tablets, I tossed them from my two hands, and I broke them before you.

9:18And I beseeched before the lord a second time, as also even formerly, forty days and forty nights. Bread I did not eat, and water I did not drink, on account of all your sins which you sinned, to do the wicked thing before the lord God, to provoke him.

9:19And I am frightened on account of the rage and the anger that the lord was provoked by you to utterly destroy you. And the lord hearkened to me even at that time.

9:20And upon Aaron the lord was enraged exceedingly to utterly destroy him. And I made a vow also for Aaron in that time.

9:21And your sin which you made -- the calf; I took and I incinerated it in fire, and cut it down, and ground it down exceeding, until of which it became fine, and became as a cloud of dust. And I tossed the dust into the rushing stream, the one coming down from the mountain.

9:22And in Combustion, and in Test and in Tombs of the Desire, you were provoking the lord your God.

9:23And when the lord sent you from Kadesh Barnea, saying, Ascend and inherit the land which I give to you! that you resisted persuasion in the word of the lord your God, and did not trust him, and did not listen to his voice.

9:24You were resisting the things towards the lord from which day he was made known to you.

9:25And I beseeched before the lord forty days and forty nights. Many things I beseeched; for the lord said he would utterly destroy you.

9:26And I made a vow to God, and said, O Lord, the lord, you should not utterly destroy your people, and your inheritance whom you ransomed in your great strength, of whom you led out of the land of Egypt by your fortified hand, and by your high arm.

9:27Remember Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, your attendants! ones to whom you swore by an oath according to yourself. You should not look upon the hardness of this people, and upon their acts of impiety, and their sins;

9:28lest should say the ones dwelling the land from where you led us from there, saying, Because the lord was not able to bring them into the land which he said to them, and because of the lord detesting them, he led them in the wilderness to kill them.

9:29And these are your people and your inheritance, of whom you led out of the land of Egypt by your great strength and by your high arm.