The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Deuteronomy 8

8:1All the commandments which I give charge to you today you shall guard to do, that you should live and manifoldly multiply, and should enter and should inherit the land which the lord swore by an oath to your fathers.

8:2And you shall remember the whole journey which the lord your God led you this fortieth year in the wilderness, how he should afflict you, and should test you, and should determine the things in your heart, if you shall guard his commandments or not.

8:3And he afflicted you, and caused you to hunger, and fed you the manna which your fathers had not known; that he should announce to you that, A man shall not live by bread alone; but by every word going forth through the mouth of God shall a man live.

8:4Your garments did not grow old from you; your feet were not calloused -- behold, for forty years.

8:5And you shall know in your heart, that as if any man should correct his son, so the lord your God corrects you.

8:6And you shall guard the commandments of the lord your God, to go in his ways, and to fear him.

8:7For the lord your God shall bring you into a land good and abundant, of which are rushing streams of waters, and springs of the deeps going forth through the plains, and through the mountains.

8:8A land of wheat, and barley, grapevines, fig-trees, pomegranates; a land of olive oil and honey.

8:9A land upon which you shall eat your bread without poorness, and you shall not be in want upon it. A land of which its stones are iron, and from out of its mountains you shall mine brass.

8:10And you shall eat and shall be filled up, and shall bless the lord your God upon the good land of which he has given to you.

8:11Take heed to yourself! that you should not forget the lord your God, so as to not guard his commandments, and his judgments, and his ordinances, as many as I give charge to you today;

8:12lest having eaten, and being filled up, and having built good houses, and dwelling in them,

8:13and your oxen, and your sheep having been multiplied to you, and silver and gold having been multiplied to you, and all as much as to you shall be multiplying,

8:14you should be raised up high in your heart, and should forget the lord your God, the one leading you from the land of Egypt, from the house of slavery,

8:15the one leading you through the great and dreadful wilderness, that one of which is the biting serpent, and scorpion, and thirst, of which there was no water; the one leading to you a spring of water from out of chiseled rock;

8:16the one feeding you the manna in the wilderness, which you had not known, and your fathers did not know; that he should afflict you, and that he should put you to the test, and do good unto you upon the last of your days;

8:17and lest you should say in your heart, My strength and the might of my hand produced to me this great ability.

8:18And you shall remember the lord your God, that he gives to you strength to produce the ability, that he should establish his covenant which he swore by an oath to your fathers as today.

8:19And it will be if in forgetfulness you should forget the lord your God, and should go after other gods, and should serve to them, and should do obeisance to them, I testify to you today on both heaven and the earth that by destruction you shall be destroyed.

8:20As also the remaining nations, as many as the lord destroys before your face, so shall you be destroyed; because you did not hearken to the voice of the lord your God.