The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Psalms 26

A psalm to David.

26:1Judge me, O lord! for I went in my innocence, and hoping upon the lord. In no way should I weaken.

26:2Try me, O lord, and test me! Set on fire my kidneys and my heart!

26:3For your mercy is before my eyes; and I was well-pleased in your truth.

26:4I sat not with the sanhedrin of folly; and with ones acting unlawfully in no way shall I enter.

26:5I detested the assembly of ones doing wickedness; and with the impious in no way shall I sit.

26:6I shall wash my hands in innocent things, and I shall encircle your altar, O lord,

26:7to hear my voice of praise of you, and to describe all your wonders.

26:8O lord, I loved the beauty of your house, and the place of the tent of your glory.

26:9You should not destroy together my soul with the impious, nor my life with the men of blood,

26:10in whose hands are lawless deeds, and their right hand was filled of bribes.

26:11But I was gone in my innocence. Ransom me, and show mercy on me!

26:12My foot stands in straightness. In the assemblies I shall bless you, O lord.