The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Psalms 144

A psalm to David; to Goliath.

144:1Blessed be the lord my God; the one teaching my hands for battle array, and my fingers for war;

144:2my mercy and my refuge; my shielder and my rescuer; my defender, and upon him I hoped; the one subjecting my people under me.

144:3O lord, what is man that you were known to him? or the son of man that you should consider him?

144:4Man is like folly; his days as a shadow pass by.

144:5O lord, lean your heavens, and come down! Touch the mountains! and they shall smoke.

144:6Flash lightning! and you shall disperse them. Send out your arrows! and you shall disturb them.

144:7Send out your hand from the height! Take me, and rescue me from many waters, from out of the hand of the sons of strangers!

144:8whose mouth spoke folly, and their right hand is a right hand of iniquity.

144:9O God, I will sing a new ode to you; with a ten-stringed psaltery I will strum to you,

144:10to the one giving deliverance to the kings, to the one ransoming David his servant from the ferocious broadsword.

144:11Rescue me, and deliver me from the hand of the sons of strangers! whose mouth spoke folly, and their right hand is a right hand of iniquity;

144:12whom their sons are as newly planted, secure in their youth; their daughters being bedecked, being adorned sumptuously as the likeness of a temple;

144:13their storerooms are full, discharging forth from out of this one to that one; their sheep are prolific, multiplying in their streets;

144:14their oxen are thick; there is no ruined fence, nor stream, nor a cry in their broad spaces;

144:15the people declare them happy to which these things are. Blessed be the people of which the lord is his God.