The Holy Bible Septuagint LXX Unaltered English Word-for-Word from Interlinear Greek

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Psalms 143

A psalm to David; when his son pursued him.

143:1O lord, listen to my prayer! Give ear to my supplication in your truth! Hearken to me in your righteousness!

143:2And you should not enter into judgment with your servant, for all the living shall not do justice before you.

143:3For the enemy pursued my soul; he humbled my life unto the ground; he seated me in dark places as the dead of the eon.

143:4And my spirit was discouraged within me; my heart was disturbed within me.

143:5I remembered days of old. I meditated on all your works. I meditated on the actions of your hands.

143:6I opened and spread out to you my hands. My soul is as a waterless land to you.

143:7Quickly listen to me! O lord, my spirit fails. You should not turn your face from me, so that I shall be like the ones going down into the pit.

143:8Cause your mercy to be audible to me in the morning! for upon you I hoped. Make known to me, O lord, the way in which I shall go! for to you I lifted my soul.

143:9Rescue me from my enemies, O lord! to you I take refuge.

143:10Teach me to do your will! for you are my God. Your good spirit shall guide me in an upright land.

143:11Because of your name, O lord, you shall enliven me. In your righteousness you shall lead my soul from out of affliction.

143:12And in your mercy you shall utterly destroy my enemies; and you shall destroy all the ones afflicting my soul; for I am your servant.